Gathered in 1914 from The Yale Review and other periodicals, this collection of critical essays considers Richardson, Dickens, Austen, and Marlowe; it also includes the articles “Notes on Mark Twain, ” “Realism and Reality in Fiction, ” “Carlyle’s Love-Letters, ” “Schiller’s Personality and Influence, ” “Schopenhauer and Omar, ” “Lessing as a Creative Critic, ” and more.
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William Lyon Phelps (1865-1943) taught at Harvard for one year and Yale for forty-one years—giving a course on modern novels that was controversial, but popular. He was a director of the Hall of Fame for Great Americans. Phelps wrote Essays on Russian Novelists (1911), Archibald Marshall: A Realistic Novelist (1919), Some Makers of American Literature (1923), and As I Like It (1923).