Michael Kuhn is president of the World Social Sciences and Humanities Network and director of Knowwhy Global Research. Shujiro Yazawa is a professor of Sociology at Faculty of Social Innovation, Seijo University in Tokyo.
2 Электронные книги Young-Hee Shim
Shujiro Yazawa & Michael Kuhn: Theories about and Strategies against Hegemonic Social Sciences
This innovative book provides new perspectives on the globalization of knowledge and the notion of hegemonic sciences. Tying together contributions of authors from all across the world, it challenges …
Young-hee Shim & Sang-jin Han: Love As Healing
‘Functional Movement Disorder’ (FMD) is a disease not yet clearly identified why it happens and how it can be cured, nevertheless causing fearful involuntary movements of the body such as severe musc …