Author: Russell C. Weigel

Media across the globe calls Wayne Allyn Root “the Capitalist Evangelist.” Wayne is a former Presidential candidate, the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, a Libertarian-conservative speaker, political personality and national media superstar. He is the ultimate Capitalist Evangelist: a blue-collar S.O.B. (son of a butcher) turned Ivy Leaguer, CEO, serial entrepreneur, champion of small business, and defender of capitalism. Wayne is today a talk show host, #1 national bestselling author (in the categories of Finance, Economics, and Conservative Politics), business speaker, and TV/radio commentator. He is a regular guest on Fox News Channel, as well as hundreds of national and local radio shows across the USA, with over 1000 media appearances annually. A native New Yorker and graduate of prestigious Columbia University, this capitalist evangelist proudly resides in Nevada, a state with zero personal & business income tax. He is proud to be the only Nevadan to ever run on a major U.S. Presidential ticket. He was appointed by the Governor of Nevada to the Judicial Selection Commission in 2010.

1 Ebooks by Russell C. Weigel

Russell C. Weigel: Capital For Keeps
Raising Capital for Your Company or Your Real Estate Acquisition? Russell Weigel has been practicing securities law since 1990. For more than ten of these years he was an attorney for the Securities …