This volume addresses the place of the emotions in literary representations of war across six centuries of European history. It challenges modern assumptions about the passions and feelings attending violent conflict in order to reveal the multifarious historical emotions and emotional histories of war.
Table of Content
Contents 1. Emotional Responses to Medieval Warfare in the History of William Marshal ; Lindsay Diggelman 2. ‘Blisse wes on londe’: The feeling of peace in La?amon’s Brut; Andrew Lynch 3. ‘Je hé guerre, point ne la doy prisier’: Peace and the Emotions of War in the Prison Poetry of Charles d’Orléans; Stephanie Downes 4. ‘He in salte teres dreynte’: Understanding Troilus’s Tears; Simon Meecham-Jones 5. Human Prudence versus the Emotion of the Cosmos: War, Deliberation and Destruction in the late Medieval Statian Tradition; James Simpson 6. Moving to War: Rhetoric and Emotion in William Worcester’s Boke of Noblesse; Catherine Nall 7. ‘I was enforced to become an eyed witnes’: Documenting War in Medieval and Early Modern Literature; Joanna Bellis 8. ‘Man is a battlefield within himself’: Arms and the Affections in the Counsel of More, Erasmus, Vives and their Circle; Andrew Hiscock 9. Grief and Glory: The Commemoration of War in Seventeenth-Century England; Peter Sherlock 10. Remembering Civil War in Andrew Marvell’s ‘Upon Appleton House’; Diana Barnes 11. ‘Terrible Delight’: Art, Violence and Power in Early Eighteenth-Century War Poems; Abigail Williams 12. ‘In Brazen Bonds’: The Warring Landscapes of North Carolina, 1775; Katrina O’Loughlin 13. The Grievable Life of the War-Correspondent: The Experience of War in Henry Crabb Robinson’s Letters to The Times, 1808-09; Neil Ramsey 14. Afterword: Locating Emotions, Locating Wars; Mary Favret
About the author
Prof. Andrew Lynch is the Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, specializing in medieval and early modern literatures of war and peace. Drs Stephanie Downes and Katrina O’Loughlin are Research Associates in the history of emotions, specializing in literary texts written during the conflict of the Hundred Years War, and in eighteenth-century women’s, travel, and civil war writing, respectively.