This book re-evaluates ‘international knowledge’ in light of recent scholarship in the fields of hermeneutics, ethnography, and historiography regarding the ‘non-West’, the past, and the present of international society. It offers a view of the present in the form of a critique of Euro-centrism and occidentalist views of the postwar order.
Table of Content
Introduction Encounters: Theory, Differences, and Representations Leclerc’s Mosaic: Historicism, Institutionalism, and Memory Félix Adolphe Sylvestre Eboué: Republicanism, Humanism, and Their Modulations Gabriel d’Arboussier: Democracy Is Not a Magnificently Adorned Hall Ouzzin Coulibaly: Descartes Wasn’t Always Right, Diderot Maybe
About the author
SIBA N. GROVOGUI is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Johns Hopkins University, USA.