SARAH HOLT has taught and lectured at the School of International Relations, University of St Andrews, UK and the Centre for South Asian Studies at the University of Edinburgh, UK.
3 Ebooks by S. Holt
S. Holt: Aid, Peacebuilding and the Resurgence of War
As one of South Asia’s oldest democracies Sri Lanka is a critical case to examine the limits of a liberal peace, peacebuilding and external engagement in the settlement of civil wars. Based on nine y …
Satinder Dhiman: Business Administration Education
A dynamic collaboration of nine experienced scholars, this timely work shares their rich blend of experiences and insights on emerging paradigms. This multifaceted work will assist students, scholars …
A. Fischer & P. Grewe: Koronarstenting
Dieses Buch liefert die erste umfassende Darstellung in deutscher Sprache über Koronarstents. Es soll neues Wissen vermitteln, Perspektiven darstellen und die unerlässliche, fachliche Kommunikation z …