Artur K. Wardega, SJ, 萬德化 is Director of the Macau Ricci Institute and a specialist in 20th-century Chinese and French literature. He has written several articles published in the Macau Ricci Institute”s quarterly 神州交流 Chinese Cross Currents and in scholarly journals in China and abroad. His recent publications include a French translation of the novel 笠山農場 Lishan nongchang by the renowned Hakka writer 鍾理和 Zhong Lihe (1915–60) under the title La Ferme de la Montagne Li (Arras, 2010). He edited the 2007 MRI Symposium proceedings under the title Belief, History and Individual in Modern Chinese Literary Culture (Cambridge, 2009) and (with Anders Hansson) Portrait of a Jesuit: Matteo Ricci (MRI Jesuítas Publication Series; Macau, 2010). Recently, he edited a trilingual book jointly published by the MRI and Centre Sèvres of Paris, Playing Bach in France and in China: An Encounter of Musicians in Macau (Macau, 2011), and together with António V. de Saldanha, he edited In the Light and Shadow of an Emperor: Tomás Pereira, SJ (1645–1708), the Kangxi Emperor and the Jesuit Mission in China (Newcastle upon Tyne, 2012).
8 Ebooks by S. J.
S. J.: Die Maßnahmen des dänischen Königs und des Gottorfer Herzogs gegen die Pestpandemie um 1700
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europas – Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit, Note: 2, 0, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Gegenstand der Ausarbeitu …
S. J.: Strukturelle Veränderungen der römischen Republik während der Diktatur Sullas
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Weltgeschichte – Frühgeschichte, Antike, Note: 2, 7, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Lucius Cornelius Sulla, der seine …
S. J.: Brandbekämpfung in spätmittelalterlichen Städten
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europas – Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit, Note: 1, 7, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das Feuer übt seit Mensch …
Artur K. Wardega: Doubt, Time and Violence in Philosophical and Cultural Thought
As the title of the present publication suggests, the ten essays of this book try to approach an inconvenient trauma of global human reality and the uniformity of media and cyberspace in which human …
Raymond A. Schroth: Bob Drinan
Raymond Schroth’s Bob Drinan: The Controversial Life of the First Catholic Priest Elected to Congress shows that the contentious mixture of religion and politics in this country is nothing new. Four …
Raymond A. Schroth: Fordham
Fordham University is the quintessential American-Catholic institution-and one now looked upon as among the best Catholic universities in the country. Its story is also the story of New York, especia …
S.J. & Thomas M. McCoog: Society of Jesus in Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1589-1597
English Catholic voices, once disregarded as merely confessional, are now acknowledged to provide important perspectives on Elizabethan society. Based on extensive archival research, this book builds …
S.J. & Thomas M. McCoog: Society of Jesus in Ireland, Scotland, and England, 1589-1597
English Catholic voices, once disregarded as merely confessional, are now acknowledged to provide important perspectives on Elizabethan society. Based on extensive archival research, this book builds …