Ethnography has established itself as a key strategy of qualitative research in education, because it is so versatile, flexible, and ambiguous. Its growing importance coincides with an increasing diversity of »discovered« educational realities. In the process, many basic assumptions have turned into genuine tasks of research. Where are the places and times of learning, education, and social work to be found? Who are the actors and addressees? How are education and learning performed and enacted?
The contributions to this volume discuss the multiple challenges that ethnographic research has to confront when exploring the multimodality, plurality, and translocality of educational realities.
About the author
Sabine Bollig, (Prof. Dr.), born in 1971, is a professor of social pedagogy at Universität Trier. Her research and teaching focus on welfare- and practice-analytical approaches to childhood, youth and family as well as research on institutions and borders/spaces in the field of early childhood education and care.
Michael-Sebastian Honig (Ph D) is Professor of Social Work at the University of Luxembourg and head of the research group »Early Childhood: Education and Care«.
Sascha Neumann (Ph D) is Professor of Educational Research at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and head of the University’s Centre for Early Childhood Education (Ze FF).
Claudia Seele (M.A.) is research associate and Ph D student at the University of Luxembourg.