Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
offers its readers a step-by-step guide to diagnosing and planning
treatment for periodontal patients through the latest
evidence-based protocols. It summarizes the available scientific
evidence for efficacy and effectiveness and links it to everyday
clinical practice in a concise, user-friendly manner.
Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
begins with the basics of periodontal diagnosis, following the
latest classification by the AAP. Modifiable and
non-modifiable risk factors are assessed in detail, emphasizing the
treatment planning intricacies associated with each one. The book
discusses all presentations of periodontal disease ranging from
gingivitis to aggressive periodontitis, highlighting topics such as
occlusion, scaling and root planning. The full range of treatment
modalities are also presented, providing practical instruction for
osseous resective surgery, regenerative and supportive periodontal
therapy, and dental implant complication management.
Designed to improve and expand the reader’s repertoire of
clinical skills, Practical Periodontal Diagnosis and Treatment
Planning provides comprehensive coverage of this core part of
periodontal training in a concise, highly illustrated, step-by-step
Table of Content
Contributor List ix
Chapter 1. The Necessity of an Evidence-based Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment 3
Paul Farsai and Thomas Van Dyke
Problems with Introducing EBD 5
Advantages of EBD 5
Chapter 2. Classification of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions 7
Serge Dibart and Melanie Campese
I. Gingival Diseases 7
II. Chronic Periodontitis (Discarded Old Terminology: Adult Periodontitis) 14
III. Aggressive Periodontitis (Discarded Old Terminology: Early Onset Periodontitis) 15
IV. Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic Diseases 18
V. Necrotizing Periodontal Disease 19
VI. Periodontal Abscess 20
VII. Periodontitis Associated with Endodontic Lesion 21
VIII. Developmental or Acquired Deformities and Conditions 22
Chapter 3. Periodontal Risk Factors and Modification 25
Clemens Walter, Christoph Ramseier, and Thomas Dietrich
Non-modifiable Risk Factors 25
Modifiable Risk Factors 27
Risk Factor Modification 32
Chapter 4. Scaling and Root Planing 43
Rahman Kohli
Instrumentation 43
Scaling and Root Planing 46
Root Surface Smoothness 49
Full-Mouth Debridement 49
Practical Aspects 50
Chapter 5. Occlusion 55
Steven Morgano, Adnan Ishgi, and Carlos Sabrosa
Centric Relation and Centric Occlusion 55
Balanced Articulation 55
Occlusal Concepts for Conventional Fixed Prosthodontics 57
Anterior Disclusion (Canine Disclusion) and Group Function 58
Splinting 59
Implant-supported Artificial Occlusion 60
Articulators 64
Authors’ Views/Comments 65
Chapter 6. Systemic and Local Drug Delivery of Antimicrobials 69
Dimitra Sakellari
Evidence-based Outcomes 69
Indications 72
Techniques 72
Author’s Views/Comments 74
Chapter 7. Periodontal Osseous Resective Surgery 77
Luca Landi
Indications and Endpoints 77
Physiologic and Pathologic Alveolar Bone Anatomy 77
Principles 79
Technique 80
Modifications to the Original Surgical Approach 83
Soft Tissue Management 85
Effect of Surgery on the Alveolar Bone 86
Evidence-based Outcomes 87
Author’s Views/Comments 97
Chapter 8. Regenerative Periodontal Therapy 99
Joseph Fiorellini and Mehmet Ilhan Uzel
Periodontal Regenerative Techniques 100
Future of Periodontal Regenerative Therapy 105
Future Regenerative Therapy with rh PDGF 109
Chapter 9. Surgical vs. Non-surgical Treatment of Periodontitis 115
Thomas Dietrich
Evidence-based Outcomes 115
Author’s Views/Comments 115
Chapter 10. Supportive Periodontal Therapy 121
Geoff Bateman
Indications 121
Technique 121
Evidence-based Outcomes 123
Author’s Views/Comments 125
Chapter 11. Dental Implants Therapy 127
Serge Dibart
Indications 127
Evidence-based Outcomes 127
Chapter 12. Inflammation and Bone Healing Around Dental Implants 131
Thomas Van Dyke and Sheilesh Dave
Bone Function and Structure 131
Bone Healing Following Implant Placement 132
Inflammatory Bone Loss Around the Integrated Implant 133
Appendix 1. A Little Slice of History: The Periodontal Condition of Napoleon’s Grand Army: A Forensic Evaluation 137
Yves Macia
Appendix 2. How to Write and Read a Scientific Paper 147
Cataldo Leone
Index 165
About the author
Serge Dibart is Professor and Director of the periodontal
residency program at Boston University Goldman School of Dental
Thomas Dietrich is Professor and Head of Oral Surgery at
the School of Dentistry, The University of Birmingham, UK and
Associate Professor of Health Policy and Health Services Research
at Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine.