Author: Serge Linckels

Dr. sc. nat. Christoph Meinel (1954) is President and CEO of the Hasso-Plattner-Institut for IT-Systems Engineering (HPI) and full professor (C4) for computer science at the University of Potsdam. His research field is Internet and Web Technologies and Systems. Beside he is a teacher at the HPI School of Design Thinking, a visiting professor at the Computer Science School of the Technical University of Beijing (China) and a research fellow of the interdisciplinary center Sn T at the University of Luxembourg. Since 2008 he is program director of the HPI–Stanford Design Thinking Research Program. He is author or co-author of 10 text books and monographs and has published more than 350 per-reviewed scientific papers in highly recognised international scientific journals and conferences.   Dr. rer. nat. ing. Serge Linckels (1971) has studied computer-science in Luxembourg, France, and Germany. His research interests are Semantic Web, Multimedia Information Management and Retrieval, and the study and improvement of the way students learn, especially in a computer-based learning environment. He is the author of a textbook about algorithms and programming and has published over 20 peer-reviewed scientific papers in recognized international scientific journals and conferences. He is a computer-science teacher at the Lycée Technique d”Esch/Alzette, a technical high-school in Luxembourg. He lectures at the University of Luxembourg and is a researcher at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) at the chair of Prof. Dr. Christoph Meinel.

1 Ebooks by Serge Linckels

Serge Linckels & Christoph Meinel: E-Librarian Service
This book introduces a new approach to designing E-Librarian Services. With the help of this system, users will be able to retrieve multimedia resources from digital libraries more efficiently than t …