Author: Seymour Mayne

Sabine Huynh is a sociolinguist, translator, novelist, short story writer and poet who writes in both French and English. She has translated Uri Orlev and Richard Berengarten, among others. Her first novel, La Mer et l’enfant, was published in France by Galaade Editions in 2012. — Sabine Huynh est sociolinguiste, traductrice, romancière, nouvelliste et poète. Elle écrit en français et en anglais. Elle a traduit Uri Orlev et Richard Berengarten, entre autres. Son premier roman, La Mer et l’enfant, a publié en France par Galaade Editions en 2012.

3 Ebooks by Seymour Mayne

A.M. Klein: Selected Poems
Throughout his career A.M. Klein struggled to define for himself the role of the poet in the contemporary world. Deeply rooted in the traditions of Judaism, and at the same time powerfully attracted …
A.M. Klein: Selected Poems
Throughout his career A.M. Klein struggled to define for himself the role of the poet in the contemporary world. Deeply rooted in the traditions of Judaism, and at the same time powerfully attracted …
Seymour Mayne: Bătrâna canapea albastră și alte povestiri
Cuiva i se fură o canapea albastră (în proza ce dă și titlul volumului), un rabin vrea să interzică băutura în sinagogă și ajunge să aprovizioneze credincioșii cu whisky de contrabandă, un bătrân las …