Author: Sezer Bozkuş Kahyaoğlu

Muharrem Kılıç, after completing his law studies at Marmara University Faculty of Law, was appointed as an associate professor in 2006 and as a professor in 2011 at the same institution. Kılıç has held multiple academic and administrative positions. He has worked as a professor, lecturer, and head of the department in the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of Law at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Law. His academic interests are “philosophy and sociology of law, comparative law theory, legal methodology, and human rights law”. In line with his academic interest, he has scientific publications consisting of many books, articles, and translations, as well as papers presented in national and international congresses.  Sezer Bozkus Kahyaoglu graduated from Bosporus University and earned the degree B.Sc. in Management. Sezer has an M.A. in Money Banking and Finance from Sheffield University and Certification in Retail Banking from the Manchester Business School, both with a joint scholarship from the British Council and Turkish Bankers Association. After finishing her doctoral studies, Sezer earned her Ph.D. in Econometrics from Dokuz Eylul University in 2015. Sezer worked in the finance sector holding various positions at head offices. Sezer worked in KPMG Risk Consulting Services as a senior manager after which she joined Grant Thornton as a founding partner of advisory services working in Business Risk Services. She also worked in SMM Technology and Risk Consulting as a partner responsible for ERP Risk Consulting. During this period, Sezer was a lecturer at Istanbul Bilgi University in the Accounting and Auditing Program and the Ankara University Internal Control and Internal Audit Program.

13 Ebooks by Sezer Bozkuş Kahyaoğlu

Sezer Bozkuş Kahyaoğlu: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Governance, Economics and Finance, Volume I
The book discusses the effects of artificial intelligence in terms of economics and finance. In particular, the book focuses on the effects of the change in the structure of financial markets, instit …
Erman Coskun & Sezer Bozkus (Uni of South Africa Financial Gov Dep, South Africa) Kahyaoglu: University Auditing in the Digital Era
This book explores how digital transformation is reshaping the manner in which higher education sectors emerge, work, and evolve and how auditors should respond to this challenging and risky dig …
Erman Coskun & Sezer Bozkus (Uni of South Africa Financial Gov Dep, South Africa) Kahyaoglu: University Auditing in the Digital Era
This book explores how digital transformation is reshaping the manner in which higher education sectors emerge, work, and evolve and how auditors should respond to this challenging and risky dig …
Sezer Bozkuş Kahyaoğlu: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Governance, Economics and Finance, Volume 2
This book continues the discussion of the effects of artificial intelligence in terms of economics and finance. In particular, the book focuses on the effects of the change in the structure of financ …
Sezer Bozkus Kahyaoglu & Vahap Tecim: Artificial Intelligence Perspective for Smart Cities
The concept of a "smart city" is used widely in general; however, it is hard to explain because of the complexity and multidimensionality of this notion. However, the essential qualificatio …
Sezer Bozkus Kahyaoglu & Vahap Tecim: Artificial Intelligence Perspective for Smart Cities
The concept of a "smart city" is used widely in general; however, it is hard to explain because of the complexity and multidimensionality of this notion. However, the essential qualificatio …
Muharrem Kılıç & Sezer Bozkuş Kahyaoğlu: Algorithmic Discrimination and Ethical Perspective of Artificial Intelligence
This book delves into the complex intersection between artificial intelligence and human rights violations, shedding light on the far-reaching implications within the framework of discrimination and …
Sezer Bozkus Kahyaoglu & Vahap Tecim: Exploring Blockchain Applications
In this book, the development process of blockchain algorithms and examples of their applications in different sectors are explored. The opportunities and challenges of blockchain implementations tha …
Sezer Bozkus Kahyaoglu & Vahap Tecim: Exploring Blockchain Applications
In this book, the development process of blockchain algorithms and examples of their applications in different sectors are explored. The opportunities and challenges of blockchain implementations tha …
Lourens J. Erasmus & Sezer Bozkus Kahyaoglu: Continuous Auditing with AI in the Public Sector
The effectiveness of internal audit activities is important for the sustainability of change in the public sector. In this sense, the tools and techniques used and the level of competencies of public …
Lourens J. Erasmus & Sezer Bozkus Kahyaoglu: Continuous Auditing with AI in the Public Sector
The effectiveness of internal audit activities is important for the sustainability of change in the public sector. In this sense, the tools and techniques used and the level of competencies of public …
Mustafa Berktas & Orhan Er: Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Industry
Healthcare and medical science are inherently dependent on technological advances and innovations for improved care. In recent times we have witnessed a new drive in implementing these advances and i …
Mustafa Berktas & Orhan Er: Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Industry
Healthcare and medical science are inherently dependent on technological advances and innovations for improved care. In recent times we have witnessed a new drive in implementing these advances and i …