This book covers preparation methods, characterization, and applications of most glass families. It reports the fundamentals of glass, challenges in the development, traditional and new manufacturing processes, characterization techniques, structural, thermal, and optical properties. The book reviews redox reactions in glasses and the factors affecting them, in addition to the techniques for determining the redox states and speciation of polyvalent ions in glass. A special chapter is dedicate to phosphate glasses, their importance, preparation methods, structure and properties. The use of different types of phosphate glasses in biomedicine, optics, electrochemistry, and as hosts for nuclear wastes is thoroughly discussed. Moreover, the applications of phosphate glasses in electronics and laser technology are also discussed in this book. Recent experimental studies such as the development of a novel bioglass system and the influence of Zn O, Ti O
2, and Al
3 incorporation on structural, mechanical strength, degradation, p H variation, and formation of hydroxyapatite (Hap) layer on the glass surface are reported. Promising aluminum-silicate glassy system and its glass-ceramic counterpart are also presented in this books. An overview of the calorimetry approaches related to rare earth improvements on the thermal stability of glass is provided. The book discusses the advances in the chalcogenide glasses (Ch Gs) and based devices. It also reports their applications in optical devices, semiconductor circuits, and other applications. In addition, lanthanide and/or QDs doped luminescent glasses and their use in solid-state lighting and displays, security (anti-counterfeiting), optical temperature sensors, and solar energy (solar spectrum conversion) are reviewed along with a comparison of their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, the nature of phthalocyanines as materials for glass coatings and most widely used synthesis methods of porphyrins and phthalocyanines are discussed.
Table of Content
Overall aspects of glasses for photonic devices.- Redox reactions in glasses.- Phosphate glasses: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications.- Structural and in vitro bioactivity of phosphate-based glasses for bone regeneration.- Advances in Chalcogenide Glasses (Ch Gs): Past, Present, and Future Applications.- Advances in Luminescent Glass Research towards high-end applications.- Synthesis and Characterizations of Rare Earth doped Zn O-Al
3-Si O
2 Glasses and Transparent Glass-Ceramics.- Porphyrin and phthalocyanine as materials for glass coating –structure and properties.- Phthalocyanine and porphyrin films on glass substrate –processing, properties and applications.- Index.
About the author
Shadia J. Ikhmayies received her Ph D from the University of Jordan in 2002. Her research is focused on the production and characterization of semiconductor thin films and thin film Cd S/Cd Te solar cells. Besides, she works in characterizing quartz in Jordan for the extraction of silicon for solar cells and characterizing different materials by computation. She is a member of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS) where she was the chair of the characterization committee of TMS 2016, 2017 and the leading organizer of three symposiums. She is also a member of the World Renewable Energy Network/Congress (WREN/WREC) since 2010. She is a member of the international organizing committee and the international scientific committee in the European Conference on Renewable Energy Systems (ECRES2015-ECRES2022).