Shaharuddin Salleh, Ph D, is Professor in Computational
Mathematics, Faculty of Science (Mathematics), Universiti
Teknologi, Malaysia (UTM). Dr. Salleh”s research is in parallel
computing algorithms and scheduling, mobile computing, intelligent
systems, and numerical/combinatorial optimization problems. He is
also an IT Manager at the Research Management Centre, UTM.
Albert Y. Zomaya, Ph D, is the Head of School and CISCO Systems
Chair Professor of Internetworking in the School of Information
Technologies at the University of Sydney. He is the author or
coauthor of several books and more than 300 publications. He is an
IEEE Fellow.
Sakhinah Abu Bakar is Lecturer in Computational Mathematics at
the School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and
Technology, National University of Malaysia. She is currently
pursuing her Ph D degree at the University of Sydney.
5 Ebooks by Shaharuddin Salleh
Sakhinah A. Bakar & Shaharuddin Salleh: Computing for Numerical Methods Using Visual C++
A visual, interdisciplinary approach to solving problems in numerical methods Computing for Numerical Methods Using Visual C++ fills the need for a complete, authoritative book on the visual solution …
Shaharuddin Salleh & Stephan Olariu: Numerical Simulations and Case Studies Using Visual C++.Net
Master the numerical simulation process required to design, test and support mobile and parallel computing systems. An accompanying ftp site contains all the Visual C++ based programs discussed in th …
Zuraida Abal Abas & Shaharuddin Salleh: Simulation for Applied Graph Theory Using Visual C++
The tool for visualization is Microsoft Visual C++. This popular software has the standard C++ combined with the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) libraries for Windows visualization. This book expl …
Shaharuddin Salleh & Albert Y. Zomaya: Scheduling in Parallel Computing Systems
Scheduling in Parallel Computing Systems: Fuzzy and Annealing Techniques advocates the viability of using fuzzy and annealing methods in solving scheduling problems for parallel computing systems. Th …
Zuraida Abal Abas & Shaharuddin Salleh: Simulation for Applied Graph Theory Using Visual C++
The tool for visualization is Microsoft Visual C++. This popular software has the standard C++ combined with the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) libraries for Windows visualization. This book expl …