Shahid Rahman: Full-professor (classe exceptionnelle) of logic and epistemology at the Université de Lille-Nord-pas-de-Calais, Sciences Humaines et Sociales. He is also researcher at the UMR-CNRS 8163: STL. . Member (2016-2018) of the Conseil Scientifique du Réseau national des Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme. Member of the commission of the Institute Eric Weil, Director (for the French side) of the ANR-DFG Franco-German project 2012-2015 (Lille (MESHS)/Konstanz, Prof M. Armgardt): Théorie du Droit et Logique/Jurisprudenz und Logik. Studies: Masters in Philosophy, Mathematics, Philology (Erlangen-Nürnberg Universität) 1986-1989; Ph D in Philosophy, Psychology, Philology , thesis on dialogical logic and constructive mathematics, 1990-1993; Habilitation in Philosophy (for the grade of professor), Universität des Saarlandes, 1994-1997. Professional Experience: Wissenschatlicher Mitarbeiter, Universität des Saarlandes, 1996-98. Researcher at the Max-Planck Institut für Informatik and at the Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz 1997-2000. Acting Director of the Department of Philosophy, Universität des Saarlandes, 1999. Prof. Rahman works span both philosophy of logic and its history, including a dialogical perspective on Constructive Type Theory. In fact, he is the leading researcher in the field of the dialogical conception of logic to which he contributed with publications in, among other fields, non-classical logics, legal reasoning, Aristotle, Arabic Logic and Epistemology.
Muhammad Iqbal: Lecturer at Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari, Banjarmasin Indonesia. Ph D student in philosophy at the UMR-CNRS 8163:STL., Université de Lille-Nord-pas-de-Calais, Sciences Humaines et Sociales. His main interests are, Islamic Law, Logic and Epistemology.
Soufi Youcef: Lecturer at the Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies, University of British Columbia, BUCH C206, 1866 Main Mall, Vancouver, Canada. His interests are: Islamic Law, Islamic Legal Theory (Uṣūl al-fiqh), Medieval Juristic Disputations.
12 Ebooks by Shahid Rahman
Anne Fagot-Largeault & Shahid Rahman: The Influence of Genetics on Contemporary Thinking
Shahid Rahman & Tony Street: The Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition
the demise of the logical positivism programme. The answers given to these qu- tions have deepened the already existing gap between philosophy and the history and practice of science. While the posit …
Shahid Rahman & Tero Tulenheimo: Unity, Truth and the Liar
Andinmy haste, I said: “Allmenare Liars” 1 —Psalms 116:11 The Original Lie Philosophical analysis often reveals and seldom solves paradoxes. To quote Stephen Read: A paradox arises when an unacceptab …
Nicolas Clerbout & Shahid Rahman: Linking Game-Theoretical Approaches with Constructive Type Theory
This title links two of the most dominant research streams in philosophy of logic, namely game theory and proof theory. As the work’s subtitle expresses, the authors will build this link by means of …
Shahid Rahman & Zoe McConaughey: Immanent Reasoning or Equality in Action
This monograph proposes a new way of implementing interaction in logic. It also provides an elementary introduction to Constructive Type Theory (CTT). The authors equally emphasize basic ideas and fi …
Dov M. Gabbay & Patrice Canivez: Approaches to Legal Rationality
Legal theory, political sciences, sociology, philosophy, logic, artificial intelligence: there are many approaches to legal argumentation. Each of them provides specific insights into highly complex …
Shahid Rahman & Giuseppe Primiero: The Realism-Antirealism Debate in the Age of Alternative Logics
The relation between logic and knowledge has been at the heart of a lively debate since the 1960s. On the one hand, the epistemic approaches based their formal arguments in the mathematics of Brouwer …
Olga Pombo & Juan Manuel Torres: Special Sciences and the Unity of Science
Science is a dynamic process in which the assimilation of new phenomena, perspectives, and hypotheses into the scientific corpus takes place slowly. The apparent disunity of the sciences is the unavo …
Dov M. Gabbay & Shahid Rahman: Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science
The aim of the series Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, of which this is the first volume, is to take up anew the challenge of considering the scientific enterprise in its entirety in li …
Shahid Rahman & Muhammad Iqbal: Inferences by Parallel Reasoning in Islamic Jurisprudence
This monograph proposes a new (dialogical) way of studying the different forms of correlational inference, known in the Islamic jurisprudence as qiyās. According to the authors’ view,   …
Mojtaba Mojtahedi & Shahid Rahman: Mathematics, Logic, and their Philosophies
This volume is a collection of essays in honour of Professor Mohammad Ardeshir. It examines topics which, in one way or another, are connected to the various aspects of his multidisciplinary research …
Shahid Rahman & Matthias Armgardt: New Developments in Legal Reasoning and Logic
This book intends to unite studies in different fields related to the development of the relations between logic, law and legal reasoning. Combining historical and philosophical studies on legal reas …