Invexity and Optimization presents results on invex function and their properties in smooth and nonsmooth cases, pseudolinearity and eta-pseudolinearity. Results on optimality and duality for a nonlinear scalar programming problem are presented, second and higher order duality results are given for a nonlinear scalar programming problem, and saddle point results are also presented. Invexity in multiobjective programming problems and Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions are given for a multiobjecive programming problem, Wolfe and Mond-Weir type dual models are given for a multiobjective programming problem and usual duality results are presented in presence of invex functions. Continuous-time multiobjective problems are also discussed. Quadratic and fractional programming problems are given for invex functions. Symmetric duality results are also given for scalar and vector cases.
Table of Content
Invex Functions (The Smooth Case).- ?-Pseudolinearity: Invexity and Generalized Monotonicity.- Extensions of Invexity to Nondifferentiable Functions.- Invexity in Nonlinear Programming.- Invex Functions in Multiobjective Programming.- Variational and Control Problems Involving Invexity.- Invexity for Some Special Functions and Problems.