Table of Content
The Longleaf Pine Ecosystem.- History and Future of the Longleaf Pine Ecosystem.- Ecology.- Ecological Classification of Longleaf Pine Woodlands.- Longleaf Pine Regeneration Ecology and Methods.- Plant Competition, Facilitation, and Other Overstory-Understory Interactions in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems.- Vertebrate Faunal Diversity of Longleaf Pine Ecosystems.- Silviculture.- Uneven-Aged Silviculture of Longleaf Pine.- Longleaf Pine Growth and Yield.- Restoration.- Restoring the Overstory of Longleaf Pine Ecosystems.- Restoring the Ground Layer of Longleaf Pine Ecosystems.- Reintroduction of Fauna to Longleaf Pine Ecosystems.- Spatial Ecology and Restoration of the Longleaf Pine Evosystem.- Longleaf Pine Restoration.- Role of Public-Private Partnership in Restoration.
About the author
Dr. Shibu Jose is Associate Professor of Forest Ecology and Dr. Eric J. Jokela is Professor of Silviculture at the School of Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Dr. Deborah L. Miller is Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology in the Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida in Milton.