Author: Shrishail S. Navi

Dr. Vijay Rani Rajpal is a professor in  the Botany Department, Hansraj College, Delhi University, Delhi, India, and has approximately 25 years of research experience in working on population biology, phylogenetics, and diversity of plants. She has 45 published research papers, review articles, and book chapters  and  has edited 4 books on molecular diversity, abiotic stress mitigation,   and improvement of plants published by Springer Switzerland. She has guided Ph.D. students and successfully completed a number of research projects funded by various agencies of the Government of India. She is a reviewer of several reputed national and international research journals and invited guest editor for a thematic issue of  Frontiers in  Genetics. Dr. Ishwar Singh,  a trained mycologist, has been researching in the field of microbiology with special focus on mycotoxins and characterization of phytopathogens and their biocontrol for  the last 20 years. He was a visiting faculty in the Department of Plant Pathology and microbiology, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa, USA (2014–15,   Raman Research Fellowship). He has also been a recipient of UGC Research Award (2013).  Currently, he is working as an associate professor in the Department of Botany at Hansraj College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India. He has published 30 research papers and articles and successfully completed a number of research projects. He is a member of the editorial board of  many journals. Dr. Shrishail S. Navi works in the Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology, and the Department of Entomology,  Iowa State University (ISU), as research scientist III. His focus is on managing major soilborne pathogens of soybean, corn, field pea, and spinach. His research is supported by industry dollars (Avg. $88K/year). He has published books, bulletins, and book chapters (16); journal articles on soybean (27), sorghum (29), pearl millet (16), and wheat (15); and extension articles on soybean (35). He is a fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society, link scientist of CAB International, editor of Indian Phytopathology (2015–2020), and reviewer of several national and international journals. Prior to joining ISU in 2003, he worked at the ICRISAT for 14 years.

2 Ebooks by Shrishail S. Navi

Vijay Rani Rajpal & Ishwar Singh: Fungal diversity, ecology and control management
This edited volume provides comprehensive and latest information on the fungal biodiversity in its morphological characters, bioactive molecules, pathogenicity and virulence, and its impacts on crop …
Ishwar Singh & Vijay Rani Rajpal: Fungal Resources for Sustainable Economy
This edited book provides a comprehensive account of the new developments in various facets of fungal biology related to the impact and application of fungi on the sustainable economy. The book consi …