John Kleinig is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Graduate Center, CUNY, and Professorial Fellow at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University, Canberra. He is the author of, amongst others, Valuing Life (1991), The Ethics of Policing (1996), and Ethics and Criminal Justice (2008).
Simon Keller is Professor of Philosophy at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand. He is the author of The Limits of Loyalty (2007), which won the 2009 American Philosophical Association Book Prize, and Partiality (2013).
Igor Primoratz is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Adjunct Professor at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University, Canberra. He is the author of Banquos Geist: Hegels Theorie der Strafe (1986), Justifying Legal Punishment (1989, 1997), Ethics and Sex (1999), and Terrorism: A Philosophical Investigation (2013). He is also editor of a number of books, including Patriotism (2002) and Patriotism: Philosophical and Political Perspectives (with Aleksandar Pavkovic, 2007).
7 Ebooks by Simon Keller
John Kleinig & Simon Keller: The Ethics of Patriotism
The unique approach taken within The Ethics of Patriotism brings together the differing perspectives of three leading figures in the philosophical debate who deliver an up-to-date, accessible, and vi …
John Kleinig & Simon Keller: The Ethics of Patriotism
The unique approach taken within The Ethics of Patriotism brings together the differing perspectives of three leading figures in the philosophical debate who deliver an up-to-date, accessible, and vi …
Simon Keller: Partiality
We are partial to people with whom we share special relationships–if someone is your child, parent, or friend, you wouldn’t treat them as you would a stranger. But is partiality justified, and if so …
Simon Keller: Los límites de la lealtad
Valoramos la lealtad de nuestra pareja, y la de nuestros amigos y colegas, pero a veces esa actitud plantea cuestiones difíciles. ¿Dónde se encuentra el límite? ¿Debemos ser leales a la patria, como …
Simon Keller: NEBELHIRN
Ein Buch über eine Krankheit, die plötzlich jeden von uns treffen kann. Dies ist meine Geschichte. Sie handelt davon, wie ich mich der Depression entgegenstellte, wie sie mich und mein Leben veränder …
Simon Keller: Von Sternen und Planeten
Dies ist die Fortsetzung meiner Geschichte. Sie handelt davon, welch zerstörerische Kraft einer Depression innewohnt. Einer Krankheit, die leider in unserer Gesellschaft argwöhnisch und mit Unsicherh …