There have been significant developments in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology since the previous edition and this new edition has been entirely revised, updated and considerably expanded. The format and layout have also been updated to include key points at the start of each chapter, bulleted lists and text boxes for tips and warnings.
A new author team – which, for the first time, is international – has brought a new global perspective to this book.
This is still the leading book for trainees/fellows in gastroenterology and hepatology, as well as junior doctors and general medicine interns. The series title is ‘Pocket Consultant’ – and that’s exactly what the reader gets – the advice and guidance of a consultant on hand when and where they need it.
Table of Content
Preface vii
Acknowledgements ix
1 Alimentary Emergencies 1
2 Oesophagus 49
3 Stomach and Duodenum 75
4 Pancreas 111
5 Liver 133
6 Gall Bladder and Biliary Tree 185
7 Small Intestine 205
8 Inflammatory Bowel Disease 243
9 Large Intestine 285
10 Irritable Bowel Syndrome 333
11 Gastrointestinal Infections 347
12 Nutrition 369
13 The Gut in Systemic Disorders 395
14 Procedures and Investigations 409
1 Useful addresses 435
2 Further reading 442
3 Height and weight charts 450
4 Diagnostic dilemmas 455
Index 457
About the author
Simon Travis is the author of 6 books, 29 chapters and over 230 papers. He was President of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO), an elected Member of the International Organisation of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and author of 22 peer-reviewed international guidelines.