Author: Simone Moro

SIMONE MORO, born in Bergamo in 1967, is an Italian alpinist specializing in winter climbing. He has been the coach of the Italian national climbing team and was a member of helicopter crews in Nepal before starting his own rescue outfit. In 2001 he received the ‘Medaglia d’Oro al Valore Civile’ (an Italian award often given for great achievements or bravery). He is the author of the bestseller Cometa sull’ Annapurna** (Corbaccio 2003) as well as several photography books. AUTHOR WEBSITE:

3 Ebooks by Simone Moro

Simone Moro: The Call Of Ice
* Adventure memoir from a renowned winter climber at the top of his game * Moro reflects on some of his most significant climbs * A bestseller in Italy, this is the first English-language edition of …
Simone Moro: In Eiseskälte
Seine erste Winterbegehung der Shisha Pangma im Jahr 2005 war ein Meilenstein der Alpingeschichte. 2006 gelang ihm die erste Süd-Nord-Traverse des Mount Everest im Alleingang, und in der Wintersaison …
Simone Moro: Nanga im Winter
13 Jahre Werben um den Schicksalsberg Mit Beharrlichkeit und Leidenschaft zur erste Winterbesteigung des Nanga Parbat Die deutsche Lizenzausgabe des italienischen Bestsellers Den 8125 Meter hohen Nan …