Author: Sinah Kloß

Wiebke Beushausen is a research assistant in the junior research group »From the Caribbean to North America and Back« and Ph D candidate in literary studies at Heidelberg University. Anne Brüske (Ph D) is the head of the junior research group »From the Caribbean to North America and Back« at Heidelberg University since October 2010. She holds a Ph D in Romance literature from Heidelberg University (2008) and has taught in Basel, Lyon and Heidelberg. Ana-Sofia Commichau is a research assistant in the junior research group »From the Caribbean to North America and Back« and Ph D candidate in literary studies at Heidelberg University. Patrick Helber studied History and Political Science in Tübingen and Dublin, and completed his Ph D in 2014 in Modern and Contemporary History in Heidelberg. He lives in Berlin and is the moderator of a radio program on Caribbean popular culture, among other activities. Sinah Kloß is a research assistant in the junior research group »From the Caribbean to North America and Back« and a Ph D candidate in Social Anthropology at Heidelberg University.

2 Ebooks by Sinah Kloß

Wiebke Beushausen & Anne Brüske: Caribbean Food Cultures
»Caribbean Food Cultures« approaches the matter of food from the perspectives of anthropology, sociology, cultural and literary studies. Its strong interdisciplinary focus provides new insights into …
Katharina Gröne & Boris Braun: Fairer Handel
Der vorliegende Band bündelt den gegenwärtigen Stand der geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung im deutschsprachigen Raum zum Themenfeld des Fairen Handels. Dieser wurde – trotz eines …