This book analyzes the trends and technologies of green and energy efficient building, identifying strategies for implementing energy savings and enabling the use of renewable resources in residential, commercial, healthcare and educational building sectors. The authors focus on best practices in temperate climates, providing in-depth coverage of urban heat island, climate change and fuel poverty mitigation through architectural optimization, leveraging renewable energy sources and utilization of cutting-edge cooling materials. Pragmatic emphasis is placed on improving the energy performance of existing building stock to meet short and long term objectives of climate and energy conservation strategies. Engineers, architects, designers, students, policy makers and efficiency professionals will all gain valuable insights and ideas from this practical handbook to greening the built environment.
Table of Content
Climatic change in the built environment in temperate climates.- The role of buildings in the energy systems.- Challenges and priorities for a sustainable built environment in Southern Europe – The impact of energy efficiency measures and renewable energies on employment.- Indicators for buildings performance assessment.- Life Cycle vs Carbon Footprint Analysis for construction materials.- Economic experiments used for the evaluation of buildings users behavior.- Technologies and socio-economic strategies to n ZEB in the building stock of the Mediterranean area.- Households: Trends and perspectives.- Office buildings – Commercial buildings: Trends and perspectives.- Hotel industry: Current situation and its steps beyond sustainability.- Schools: Trends and perspectives.- New Challenges at covering buildings thermal loads.- Micro-CHP.- Thermal Energy Storage.- Solar Thermal.- Solar Energy (PV) for Building Supply.- Thermal Insulation.- Cool materials.- Shading & Daylight Systems.- Electric lighting.- Tools and strategies for microclimatic analysis of the built environment.- On microclimatic improvement and its influence on architectural design.- Modelling and bioclimatic interventions in outdoor places.
About the author
Dr. Mat Santamouris is Professor of Energy Physics at the University of Athens and The Cyprus Institute. He has served as visiting professor at the Metropolitan University of London, Tokyo Polytechnic University, National University of Singapore, and Bolzano University. He served as President of the National Center of Renewable Energies and Savings from 2010-2012. He is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Building Environmental Research, Editor of the Energy and Building Journal, Associate Editor of the Solar Energy Journal, Consulting Editor of the Journal of Sustainable Energy, Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Energy Conversion and Management and member of the Editorial Board of eight additional journals. He has been guest editor of twenty special issues of esteemed scientific journals, coordinator of many major international research programs like PASCOOL, OFFICE, POLISTUDIES, AIOLOS, BUILT, RESET, INTERSET, COOL ROOFS, etc. and consultant to many international and national energy institutions. In addition, he has performed as external examiner at eight international universities, referee for 72 international peer reviewed scientific journals and reviewer of research projects in the European Commission, USA, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Singapore, Sweden, Luxembourg, Ireland, Estonia, Slovenia, Qatar, Cyprus, etc. He is author of over 200 scientific papers published in peer review international scientific journals, as well as editor or author of 12 books on topics related to heat islands, solar energy and energy conservation in buildings.
Dr. Vitor Manuel da Silva Leal is Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Porto, managing the MIT Portugal Program in Sustainable Energy Systems. He teaches courses in Energy Planning, Energy in Buildings, Demand-side Management and Heat Transfer.
Dr. Sofia-Natalia Boemi is conducting post-doctorate research in environmental andenergy management of buildings at the University of Porto, Portugal, having recently completed her Ph D at University of Ioannina, Greece.