Author: Spyros G. Tzafestas

Spyros G. Tzafestas received the B.Sc. in Physics (1963) and Graduate Diploma in Electronics (1965) from Athens University, Diploma of Electrical Engineering, from Imperial College (1967), M.Sc. (Eng.) in Control from London University (1967) and Ph.D. in Systems and Control from Southampton University, England (1969). From 1969 to 1973 he was Research Leader at the Computer Science Division of the Nuclear Research Center “Demokritos”, Athens. From 1973 to 1984 he was Professor of Automatic Control at the University of Patras, and from 1985 to 2006 he was Professor of Control and Robotics at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece. Temporary visiting teaching and / or research positions include : University of Calabria, Italy (1985, 1987), University of Delft, The Netherlands (1991) and MIT, USA (1992). He is currently Director of the Institute of Communication and Control Systems, and as a Professor Emeritus he is leading the Intelligent Automation Systems Research Group engaged with research carried out in ICCS-NTUA mainly in the framework of national and European projects. Dr Tzafestas is the Recipient of D.Sc. of Southampton University (1978), and Honorary Doctorates of the Technical University of Munich (Dr.-Ing. E.h., 1997) and the Ecole Centrale de Lille (Dr. Ing.-Honoris Causa, 2003). He has published 30 edited research books, 60 book chapters and over 700 Journal and Conference technical papers in the field of control, robotics and Intelligent Systems. He has been the coordinator of national and EU projects in the fields of IT, Intelligent systems, robotics, control and CIM. He is an associate editor of 15 Journals, and he was the Editor – in – Chief of the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (1988-2006) and of the Book Series “Micro processor – Based and Intelligent Systems Engineering, Kluwer (1993-2006). Presently, he is the Editor of the Springer book series on Intelligent Control and Automation Systems. He is a Fellow of IEE, now IET (London), a Life Fellow of IEEE (New York) and a Member of ASME, NYAS and the Hellenic Technical Chamber (TEE). He received the Greek Society of Writers’ Award and the Ktesibios Award from the IEEE Mediterranean Control Association (2001). Dr Tzafestas has over the years organized and / or chaired several international conferences (IEEE, IMACS, SIRES, IASTED, EUCA).

24 Ebooks by Spyros G. Tzafestas

Spyros G. Tzafestas: Roboethics
This volume explores the ethical questions that arise in the development, creation and use of robots that are capable of semiautonomous or autonomous decision making and human-like action. It examine …
Spyros G. Tzafestas: Web-Based Control and Robotics Education
For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them. Aristotle Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty. Albert Ei …
Spyros G. Tzafestas: Human and Nature Minding Automation
Man is the best thing in the World. Nature does nothing uselessly. Aristotle There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is rapture on the lonely shore, There is society, where none intrudes, By …
Spyros G. Tzafestas: Advances in Manufacturing
Modern manufacturing systems involve many processes and operations at various hierarchical levels of decision, control and execution. New applications for systems are arising from the synergy of mach …
Spyros G. Tzafestas: Computer-Assisted Management and Control of Manufacturing Systems
Modem manufacturing systems involve many processes and operations that can be monitored and controlled at several levels of intelligence. At the highest level there is a computer that supervises the …
Achim Sydow & Spyros G. Tzafestas: Systems Analysis and Simulation II
The present volume contains the papers which were accepted for presentation at the 3rd International Symposium for Systems Analysis and Simulation held in Berlin (GDR), September 12-:-16, 1988. It is …
Achim Sydow & Spyros G. Tzafestas: Systems Analysis and Simulation I
Computer simulation has developed into a powerful tool for problem solving in a variety of areas, in the sciences as well as in industrial environments. New developments such as parallel simulation t …
Spyros G. Tzafestas: Distributed Parameter Control Systems
Distributed Parameter Control Systems: Theory and Application is a two-part book consisting of 10 theoretical and five application-oriented chapters contributed by well-known workers in the distribut …
Tzafestas: Introduction to Robophilosophy
Modern robots have arrived at a very matured state both in their mechanical / control aspects and their mental aspects. An Introduction to Robophilosophy explores the philosophical questions that ari …
Tzafestas: Introduction to Robophilosophy
Modern robots have arrived at a very matured state both in their mechanical / control aspects and their mental aspects. An Introduction to Robophilosophy explores the philosophical questions that ari …
Spyros G Tzafestas: Introduction to Mobile Robot Control
Introduction to Mobile Robot Control provides a complete and concise study of modeling, control, and navigation methods for wheeled non-holonomic and omnidirectional mobile robots and manipulators. T …
Spyros G. Tzafestas: Information, Communication, and Automation Ethics in the Knowledge Society Age
Information, communication and automation technology (ICAT) ethics is the branch of applied ethics and technoethics which investigates the social and ethical issues of the integrated multidisciplinar …
Tzafestas: Systems, Cybernetics, Control, and Automation
Systems, cybernetics, control, and automation (SCCA) are four interrelated and overlapping scientific and technological fields that have contributed substantially to the development, growth, and prog …
Spyros G Tzafestas: Energy, Information, Feedback, Adaptation, and Self-organization
This unique book offers a comprehensive and integrated introduction to the five fundamental elements of life and society: energy, information, feedback, adaptation, and self-organization. It is divid …
Joav Merrick: Disability, Chronic Disease and Human Development
Disability is part of human life and most of us will, at some time during our lifetime, experience an impairment or difficulty in our functioning, either by disease or in our old age. Once upon a tim …
Tzafestas: Stochastic Large-Scale Engineering Systems
This book focuses on the class of large-scale stochastic systems, which has dominated the attention of many academic and research groups. It discusses distributed-sensor networks, decentralized detec …
Spyros G. Tzafestas: Intelligent Robotic Systems
A multiplicity of techniques and angles of attack are incorporated in 18 contributions describing recent developments in the structure, architecture, programming, control, and implementation of indus …
Tzafestas: Stochastic Large-Scale Engineering Systems
This book focuses on the class of large-scale stochastic systems, which has dominated the attention of many academic and research groups. It discusses distributed-sensor networks, decentralized detec …
Spyros G. Tzafestas: Intelligent Robotic Systems
A multiplicity of techniques and angles of attack are incorporated in 18 contributions describing recent developments in the structure, architecture, programming, control, and implementation of indus …
Spyros G. Tzafestas: Introduction to Robophilosophy Cognition, Intelligence, Autonomy, Consciousness, Conscience, and Ethics
Modern robots have arrived at a very matured state both in their mechanical / control aspects and their mental aspects. An Introduction to Robophilosophy explores the philosophical questions that ari …
Spyros G. Tzafestas: Systems, Cybernetics, Control, and Automation
Systems, cybernetics, control, and automation (SCCA)are four interrelated and overlapping scientific and technological fields that have contributed substantially to the development, growth, and progr …
Spyros G. Tzafestas: Introduction to Robophilosophy Cognition, Intelligence, Autonomy, Consciousness, Conscience, and Ethics
Modern robots have arrived at a very matured state both in their mechanical / control aspects and their mental aspects. An Introduction to Robophilosophy explores the philosophical questions that ari …
Spyros G. Tzafestas: Systems, Cybernetics, Control, and Automation
Systems, cybernetics, control, and automation (SCCA)are four interrelated and overlapping scientific and technological fields that have contributed substantially to the development, growth, and progr …
Achim Sydow & Spyros G. Tzafestas: Systems Analysis and Simulation 1988, I: Theory and Foundations. Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Berlin (GDR), September 12–16, 1988
No detailed description available for ‘Systems Analysis and Simulation 1988, I: Theory and Foundations. Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Berlin (GDR), September 12–16, 1988’. …