Author: Star Plaxton-Moore

Star Plaxton-Moore is the Director of Community-Engaged Learning at theLeo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good at University ofSan Francisco. Star directs institutional support for community-engaged coursesand oversees public service programs for undergraduates, including the PublicService and Community Engagement Minor. She designed and implements an annualCommunity-Engaged Learning and Teaching Fellowship program for USF faculty, andother professional development offerings that bring together faculty andcommunity partners as co-learners. Her scholarship focuses on facultydevelopment for community-engaged teaching and scholarship, student preparationfor community engagement, assessment of civic learning outcomes, and communityengagement in institutional culture and practice. Star holds an MEd from GeorgeWashington University and is currently completing course work for an EdD in organizationalleadership at USF.

3 Ebooks by Star Plaxton-Moore

Plaxton-Moore & Welch: Craft of Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning
Using a conversational voice, the authors provide a foundation as well as a blueprint and tools tocraft a community-engaged course. Based on extensive research, the bookprovides a scope and sequence …
David M. Donahue & Star Plaxton-Moore: Student Companion to Community-Engaged Learning
This compact, accessibly written text prepares students for their experience of community-based learning. It is designed for students to read and reflect on independently or to foster discussion in c …
David M. Donahue & Star Plaxton-Moore: Student Companion to Community-Engaged Learning
This compact, accessibly written text prepares students for their experience of community-based learning. It is designed for students to read and reflect on independently or to foster discussion in c …