Author: Stefano Guzzini

Carlos Murillo Doctor en Gobierno y Políticas Públicas por la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR); con especialidad en relaciones internacionales (negocios) y gobierno y políticas públicas (política exterior). Profesor investigador de la Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales, de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA). Profesor de la maestría en Comercio Internacional del Centro Internacional de Política Económica, de la UNA; de la maestría en Diplomacia del Instituto del Servicio Exterior Manuel María de Peralta y la UCR; de la Escuela de Administración Pública, de la UCR; y de la maestría en Relaciones Internacionales y Diplomacia, de la UNA. Fue consultor/instructor del programa de capacitación en resolución de conflictos para el Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad, del Centro de Investigación y Capacitación en Administración Pública, de la UCR. Consultor del programa Diálogo Regional Rural, del Centro Internacional para el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible: estudio comparativo entre la agenda consensuada y las propuestas gubernamentales de política agropecuaria centroamericana. Entre sus publicaciones recientes podemos mencionar: Taiwán: seguridad y defensa en un contexto complejo (2006, Managua: CREI). La dimensión político-militar a partir de la Guerra del Golfo. Hacia un nuevo orden internacional (2003, San José: Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica). Regímenes de integración regional. Un modelo teórico y Un mundo transformado. El estado entre lo local y lo global (ambos en prensa). Desde hace muchos años es columnista sobre asuntos internacionales, en la revista Poder.

17 Ebooks by Stefano Guzzini

Stefano Guzzini & Dietrich Jung: Contemporary Security Analysis and Copenhagen Peace Research
This book examines the development of peace research and explores its present challenges, focusing on the contribution made by the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute. The authors investigate how pea …
Stefano Guzzini & Anna Leander: Constructivism and International Relations
This new book unites in one volume some of the most prominent critiques of Alexander Wendt’s constructivist theory of international relations and includes the first comprehensive reply by Wendt. Part …
Stefano Guzzini & Anna Leander: Constructivism and International Relations
This new book unites in one volume some of the most prominent critiques of Alexander Wendt’s constructivist theory of international relations and includes the first comprehensive reply by Wendt. Part …
Stefano Guzzini & Anna Leander: Constructivism and International Relations
This new book unites in one volume some of the most prominent critiques of Alexander Wendt’s constructivist theory of international relations and includes the first comprehensive reply by Wendt. Part …
Stefano Guzzini & Dietrich Jung: Contemporary Security Analysis and Copenhagen Peace Research
This book examines the development of peace research and explores its present challenges, focusing on the contribution made by the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute. The authors investigate how pea …
Stefano (Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen and Uppsala University, Sweden) Guzzini: Power, Realism and Constructivism
Framed by a new and substantial introductory chapter, this book collects Stefano Guzzini’s reference articles and some less well-known publications on power, realism and constructivism. By analysing …
Stefano (Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen and Uppsala University, Sweden) Guzzini: Power, Realism and Constructivism
Framed by a new and substantial introductory chapter, this book collects Stefano Guzzini’s reference articles and some less well-known publications on power, realism and constructivism. By analysing …
Fredrik (Swedish Defence University, Sweden) Bynander & Stefano (Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen and Uppsala University, Sweden) Guzzini: Rethinking Foreign Policy
This edited volume is a tribute to, and a debate with, the scholarship of Walter Carlsnaes and his contribution to the study of foreign policy in both its conceptualization and application. This book …
Fredrik (Swedish Defence University, Sweden) Bynander & Stefano (Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen and Uppsala University, Sweden) Guzzini: Rethinking Foreign Policy
This edited volume is a tribute to, and a debate with, the scholarship of Walter Carlsnaes and his contribution to the study of foreign policy in both its conceptualization and application. This book …
Stefano Guzzini: Realism in International Relations and International Political Economy
Stefano Guzzini”s study offers an understanding of the evolution of the realist tradition within International Relations and International Political Economy. It sees the realist tradition not as a s …
Stefano Guzzini: Realism in International Relations and International Political Economy
Stefano Guzzini”s study offers an understanding of the evolution of the realist tradition within International Relations and International Political Economy. It sees the realist tradition not as a s …
Carlos Murillo Zamora: Política exterior, hegemonía y estados pequeños
La vinculación entre política exterior, hegemonía y Estados pequeños, utilizando un estudio de caso para contrastar la conducta de tres países centroamericanos, con la influencia de Estados Unidos co …
Stefano Guzzini: O retorno da geopolítica na Europa
O fim da Guerra Fria demonstrou a possibilidade histórica de mudança pacífica e aparentemente mostrou a superioridade das abordagens não realistas nas Relações Internacionais. No entanto, no período …
Stefano Guzzini & Dietrich Jung: Contemporary Security Analysis and Copenhagen Peace Research
This book examines the development of peace research and explores its present challenges, focusing on the contribution made by the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute. The authors investigate how pea …