I was a great science fiction reader as a young person, but I began to wonder why the protagonist in a sci-fi or fantasy story was always a man, even when the writer was female. Where were the stories that presented a woman as the problem solver?
I was encouraged to write a story that was unique and built on my own struggles. I thought a sci-fi story with a girl as the protagonist might be fun. A real heroine cannot call on armies to follow her, or pay assassins for special work. She may have children already, so adventure is out of the question, and family must be secure before she can enter the public square where she has no voice.
So how does a story shape if the young hero must solve problems that girls experience in ways that females address problems? I could find no books that started with this premise, so I had to write some. And that was my first reason to write.
Website at http://www.stellaatrium.com
Writer blog at http://www.speakingincommunity.blogspot.com
8 Ebooks by Stella Atrium
Stella Atrium: Sufferstone
On Dolvia the women of the savannah serve under the burka, but Kyle Le was denied that covering by tribal leaders. Only her gift of second sight and the mortgage on her fathers land protects her and …
Stella Atrium: Heartstone
The second installment of Atriums Dolvia Saga is a character-driven sci-fi tale that explores profoundand timelythemes of sexual oppression, environmentalism and cultural intolerance.Atriums intricat …