Table of Content
Introduction 1
Part I: Starting Up the Middle Ages(450 – 800) 7
Chapter 1: Journeying Back to the Middle Ages: When, Where, What, Who? 9
Chapter 2: Finishing Off the Roman Empire and Entering the (Not So) Dark Ages 19
Chapter 3: Settling in England with the Anglo-Saxons 33
Chapter 4: Organising Early France & Germany: The Merovingians and Carolingians 45
Chapter 5: Becoming Great: Charlemagne and the New Roman Empire 57
Part II: Forming the Basis of Europe(850 – 1100) 69
Chapter 6: Laying the Foundations of Europe 71
Chapter 7: Linking East and West: Islam in Europe 83
Chapter 8: Invading from the North: The Vikings 97
Chapter 9: Splitting the Church: Schisms between East and West 113
Chapter 10: Revving Up the ‘Real’ Middle Ages with the Normans 125
Part III: Waging Holy War: Crusading at Home and Abroad(1050 – 1300) 145
Chapter 11: Uncovering the Origins of the Crusades 147
Chapter 12: Waging the First Crusade: 1096 – 1099 159
Chapter 13: Struggling for Power: Popes Versus Monarchs 175
Chapter 14: Waging the Second Crusade and Crusading at Home 189
Chapter 15: Pitting Richard I Against Saladin: The Third Crusade 205
Chapter 16: Following the Fourth Crusade and Other Failures 219
Part IV: Dealing with Domestic Dramas: Parliament, Priories and Plagues(1200 – 1300) 237
Chapter 17: Having Trouble in England: John, Henry III and Edward I 239
Chapter 18: Meeting Medieval Monks and Merchants 255
Chapter 19: Piling On the Popes: Avignon and the Antipopes 269
Chapter 20: Facing God’s Judgement: Dealing with the Black Death 281
Part V: Ending the Middle and Beginning the Age of Discovery(1300 – 1492) 293
Chapter 21: Beginning One Hundred Years of War 295
Chapter 22: Pausing the War: Dealing with Unrest at Home 311
Chapter 23: Turning the Tide of War (Twice!): Henry V and Joan of Arc 321
Chapter 24: Moving On from the Medieval Era 335
Part VI: The Part of Tens 345
Chapter 25: Ten Rubbish Rulers 347
Chapter 26: Ten Medieval Pastimes 353
Chapter 27: Ten Great Castles 359
Chapter 28: Ten Medieval People Who Changed the World 365
Chapter 29: Ten Great Medieval Innovations 371
Index 375