A secular Jew spends his life as a prosecutor in Los Angeles. He goes to the California desert town of Borrego Springs and comes to believe he is a direct descendant of Aaron, Mosess older brother. He leaves his job, his family, and departs on a mystical and magical journey that brings him to a revelation. He decides he is compelled to build the Temple of Solomon in the desert town. But to get this done, he encounters drug dealers, neo-Nazis, Arab sheiks, and a few billionaires. He picks up some desert characters that will take bullets for him, and they do.
The journey mixes real events, true archeology, and historical figures with the creations of the novel. The challenge for the reader is to identify fact from fiction. It is one wild, raucous ride that has most unexpected turns and stops along the way. There is nothing like thispart history, part religion, and part mysticism.
And you will wonder: is this fantasy, prophesy, or reality?
About the author
Stephen Pops Cohen is a highly regarded news professional and media expert. He is also a historian and student of biblical archeology. He has expertise as a television news chief, crisis manager, and national spokesman. His travels and adventures extend from the back streets of Panama to the deserts surrounding Xinjiang, China. Pops roots trace back to the Tribe of Levi, and the founding traditions of Judaism and the creation of Solomons Temple. He is also an endurance athlete who has run 100ks, and ventured to swim across the Hudson River. He is the father of four and lives in San Diego.