For centuries, science and religion have been portrayed as
diametrically opposed. In this provocative new book, Steve Fuller
examines the apparent clash between science and religion by
focusing on the heated debates about evolution and intelligent
design theory. In so doing, he claims that science vs. religion is
in fact a false dichotomy. For Fuller, supposedly intellectual
disputes, such as those between creationist and evolutionist
accounts of life, often disguise other institutionally driven
conflicts, such as the struggle between State and Church to be the
source of legitimate authority in society.
Nowadays many conservative anti-science groups support
intelligent design theory, but Fuller argues that the theory’s
theological roots are much more radical, based on the idea that
humans were created to fathom the divine plan, perhaps even
complete it. He goes on to examine the unique political
circumstances in the United States that make the emergence of
intelligent design theory so controversial, yet so persistent.
Finally, he considers the long-term prognosis, arguing that the
future remains very much undecided as society reopens the question
of what it means to be human.
This book will appeal to all readers intrigued by the debates
about creationism, intelligent design and evolution, especially
those looking for an intellectually exciting confrontation with the
politics and promise of intelligent design theory.
Table of Content
Introduction 1
1 Historical Bases for the Problem 11
2 Ideological Dimensions of the Problem 44
3 Complexity as a Conceptual Battleground 69
4 America as a Legal Battleground 90
5 Life after Darwinism 126
Conclusion: The Larger Lessons 159
Bibliography 165
Index 178
About the author
Professor of Sociology, University of Warwick