Improving mental health for all is increasingly important in nursing as more people suffer from mental health issues, ranging from stress through to diagnosed illnesses. It is crucial that all nurses, not just mental health nurses, are aware of mental health problems and the impact these have on patients, families and carers. This book gives a clear overview of mental health in nursing, relevant for all fields of practice. It explains the core features of the mental health nursing field, and explores aspects of mental health that every nurse should understand in order to provide holistic care to their patients.
Table of Content
Understanding Mental Health and Ill Health
Clarifying Your Own Personal Values and Beliefs
The Policy Context for Mental-Health Care
Mental and Physical Health Care Needs
Legal and Ethical Issues in Mental-Health Nursing
Communicating and Relating
Assessing Mental-Health Needs
Helping the Person with Mental-Health Needs
Improving Your Own Mental-Health
About the author
Reuben Pearce is an experienced mental health nurse and independent prescriber who has worked for Berkshire Healthcare Trust NHS Foundation Trust for the past fifteen years. Since qualifying as an RMN in 2002 he has experienced working in Assertive Outreach, inpatient services, A&E Liaison, Dual Diagnosis and Crisis/Home Treatment. Reuben has recently taken up a full time post as lecturer at the University in West London, specialising in the pre registration mental health nursing programme and other post registration courses such as Non-Medical Prescribing and Psychosocial Interventions for Psychosis. Reuben is also a member of the Oxford Psych Course Team who provide training across the UK and in Hong Kong for psychiatrists in preparation for the Clinical Assessment of Skills and Competencies (CASC) Exam – part of the MRCPsych examination for the Royal College of Psychiatrists.