Steven Givant is a Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Mills College, California. As a long-term collaborator of Alfred Tarski—one of the great logicians—Givant has been involved first-hand in the development of the field of relation algebras since the 1970s. His other books include Introduction to Relation Algebras and Advanced Topics in Relation Algebras (Springer, 2017), Duality Theories for Boolean Algebras with Operators (Springer, 2014), Introduction to Boolean Algebras, with Paul Halmos (Springer, 2009), Logic as Algebra, with Paul Halmos (MAA, 1998), and A Formalization of Set Theory without Variables, with Alfred Tarski (AMS, 1987). He was also a coeditor, with Ralph Mc Kenzie, of the collected papers of Alfred Tarski (Birkhäuser, 1986). Hajnal Andréka is a Professor of Mathematics at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics in the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She has been a prominentfigure in the development of relation algebra theory since the 1970s and won the prestigious Alfréd Rényi Prize in 1987. Her other books include Universal Algebraic Logic, with István Németi and Ildikó Sain (Birkhäuser, 2017), Decision Problems for Equational Theories of Relation Algebras, with Steven Givant and István Németi (AMS, 1997), and Cylindric Set Algebras, with Leon Henkin, J. Donald Monk, Alfred Tarski, and István Németi (Springer, 1981).
6 Ebooks by Steven Givant
Steven Givant & Paul Halmos: Introduction to Boolean Algebras
This book is an informal though systematic series of lectures on Boolean algebras. It contains background chapters on topology and continuous functions and includes hundreds of exercises as well as a …
Steven Givant: Duality Theories for Boolean Algebras with Operators
In this new text, Steven Givant—the author of several acclaimed books, including works co-authored with Paul Halmos and Alfred Tarski—develops three theories of duality for Boolean algebras with oper …
Steven Givant & Hajnal Andréka: Simple Relation Algebras
This monograph details several different methods for constructing simple relation algebras, many of which are new with this book. By drawing these seemingly different methods together, all are shown …
Steven Givant & P.R. Halmos: Lectures on Boolean Algebras
IN 1959 I lectured on Boolean algebras at the University of Chicago. A mimeographed version of the notes on which the lectures were based circulated for about two years; this volume contains those no …
Steven Givant: Introduction to Relation Algebras
The first volume of a pair that charts relation algebras from novice to expert level, this text offers a comprehensive grounding for readers new to the topic. Upon completing this introduction, mathe …
Steven Givant: Advanced Topics in Relation Algebras
The second volume of a pair that charts relation algebras from novice to expert level, this text brings the well-grounded reader to the frontiers of research. Building on the foundations established …