Author: Steven L. Arxer

John W. Murphy is professor of sociology at the University of Miami. He received his doctoral degree in 1981 from Ohio State University. His research interests are sociological theory, social philosophy, and globalization. He has published books related to the community mental health movement, the computerization of social service agencies, and contemporary social theory. Steven L. Arxer is assistant professor of sociology at the University of North Texas at Dallas. He earned his doctoral degree from the University of Florida. He has published papers in the journals of Humanity & Society and Qualitative Sociology Review and has contributed to several edited volumes. His research interests are globalization, NGOs, and gender mainstreaming.

4 Ebooks by Steven L. Arxer

Steven L. Arxer & John W. Murphy: The Symbolism of Globalization, Development, and Aging
This book looks at the symbolic side of globalization, development, and aging. Many of the dimensions that are discussed represent updates of past debates but some are entirely new. In particular, gl …
Steven L. Arxer & John W. Murphy: Community-Based Health Interventions in an Institutional Context
Community-Based Health Interventions in an Institutional Context examines challenges of ‘institutionalizing’ community-based health care. While the community-based or localized model is growing …
Steven L. Arxer & Maria del Puy Ciriza: Aging in a Second Language
​This unique account of English language acquisition by Latino elders shines intimate light on the increasingly complex concerns of aging immigrant minority populations. Rich qualitative findings det …
Steven L. Arxer & John W. Murphy: Dimensions of Community-Based Projects in Health Care
This salient reference grounds readers in the theoretical basis and day-to-day practice of community-based health care programs, and their potential as a transformative force in public health. Center …