It is…a refreshing and promising event when an accomplished young philosopher and dedicated teacher like Prof. Cahn turns his mind to the present crisis in higher education and concentrates on some home truths. Prof. Cahn has his eye on the future, not the past. He is as full of divine discontent as contemporaries of his who have acquired a certain flash fame, and he has much more humility. But most important of all, he is concentrating, in this wise and unpretentious little book, on the staple realities of teaching and liberal learning rather than on labels, packaging, cant slogans and messianic expectations.
Here is a book which it is a pleasure to commend as a restorative of common sense and, hopefully, of a sense of common educational purposes.
Charles Frankel in the Foreword.
About the author
Steven M. Cahn is Professor of Philosophy at the Graduate Center of The City University of New York. Among the seven books he has authored are ‘Fate, Logic, and Time; Saints and Scamps: Ethics in Academia, Revised Edition; and Puzzles & Perplexities: Collected Essays’. He has edited twenty-two books, including ‘Classics of Western Philosophy, Sixth Edition; Classics of Political and Moral Philosophy; Classic and Contemporary Readings in the Philosophy of Religion; Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology; The Affirmative Action Debate, Second Edition’; and ‘Philosophy for the 21st Century: A Comprehensive Reader’.