In 1515, Leonardo da Vinci built a mechanical lion to entertain King Francis I of France and his guests. Until now, no one knows what happened to this amazing clockwork creation. Over half a century later, when a ten year old boy discovers the lion in a royal storeroom, young Chev doesn’t know he will soon embark on a strange and dangerous mission. His quest will lead him many leagues through a French countryside devastated by religious war in search of Leonardo’s greatest secrets of all, hidden mysteries that could affect the future of all humanity.
About the author
Steven R. Southard writes stories about compelling characters struggling with new technology. Readers should prepare to journey to all periods of history, the farthest reaches of the Earth, and into outer space. Stories in his What Man Hath Wrought series portray historical timelines that might have been, featuring the drama and danger of invention and discovery. Explore his page at the Gypsy Shadow Publishing website and his own site at to share the wonder and adventure of his intriguing characters and their amazing machines.