If the fog of time had lifted a bit differently on the 19th century, and you could mix a haughty Englishman tinkerer, a plucky American steam engine repair-woman, laser holograms, giant dirigibles, and ornithopters, you might just get one madcap steampunk romance. Strap on your brass-rimmed goggles to see what happens… Within Victorian Mists.
About the author
A naval engineer who grew up reading Jules Verne and Tom Swift, Steven R. Southard is fascinated by technology and man’s relation to it. Our tools can expand the good we do, but also multiply evil. This theme is apparent in each story of his series, What Man Hath Wrought. Steve has written in the historical, fantasy, science fiction, alternate history, horror, and steampunk genres. Visit his page at the Gypsy Shadow Publishing website and his own site at www.stevenrsouthard.com to better understand his intriguing characters and their amazing machines.