Subha Mukherji is Principle Investigator of the ERC project, Crossroads of
Knowledge in Early Modern England: the Place of Literature. She teaches English
at the University of Cambridge, UK, and at Fitzwilliam College. She has published
widely on various aspects of Renaissance English literature, interdisciplinary
approaches, and literary epistemologies.
Dunstan Roberts is a Praeceptor in English at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge,
UK. He has published on various aspects of library history and the history of the
book in the Early Modern period.
Rebecca Tomlin was a Research Associate on the Crossroads of Knowledge
project and an Early Career Fellow of the London Renaissance Seminar. Currentlyworking on a monograph based on her Birkbeck Ph D thesis, she also has an
interest in early double-entry book-keeping. When not researching she works at
a City livery company.
George Oppitz-Trotman was a Research Associate on the Crossroads of
Knowledge project. He has published on diverse aspects of Early Modern culture,
particularly as they intersect with theatre.
8 Ebooks by Subha Mukherji
Subha Mukherji & Tim Stuart-Buttle: Literature, Belief and Knowledge in Early Modern England
The primary aim of Knowing Faith is to uncover the intervention of literary texts and approaches in a wider conversation about religious knowledge: why we need it, how to get there, where to stop, an …
Subha Mukherji: Blind Spots of Knowledge in Shakespeare and His World
A "blind spot" suggests an obstructed view, or partisan perception, or a localized lack of understanding. Just as the brain "reads" the "blind spot" of the visual field …
Subha Mukherji: Blind Spots of Knowledge in Shakespeare and His World
A "blind spot" suggests an obstructed view, or partisan perception, or a localized lack of understanding. Just as the brain "reads" the "blind spot" of the visual field …
Subha Mukherji & Dunstan Roberts: Economies of Literature and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
Placing ‘literature’ at the centre of Renaissance economic knowledge, this book offers a distinct intervention in the history of early modern epistemology. It is premised on the belief that early mod …
Subha Mukherji & Raphael Lyne: Early Modern Tragicomedy
Fresh explorations of the tragicomic drama, setting the familiar plays of Shakespeare and his contemporaries alongside Irish and European drama. Tragicomedy is one of the most important dramatic genr …
Subha Mukherji & Elizabeth L. Swann: The Poesy of Scientia in Early Modern England
This book explores interconnections between the modes of knowing that we now associate with the rubrics ‘literature’ and ‘science’ at a formative point in their early development. Rather than simply …
Subha Mukherji & Dunstan Roberts: Literature and the Legal Imaginary
Tuning into the collective understanding of law as lived experience, Knowing Justice is a timely and distinctive intervention in the field of law and literature. It seeks to understand and inhabit th …