Starting days back to pre-independence and covering a millennia, in one side Collage portrays those unfortunate and truly evil societal barriers as well as the determined, enlightened and young generation of breakers of those barriers. It narrates the war ground called Society where the knowledge and morality confronts prejudices and burden of viciousness. It depicts those agonies and sacrifices the young generation has to bear when it thrusts to break through the mighty and apparently invincible chains of centuries old chauvinisms.
In the other side, Collage is all about those treasured episodes that depicts how a child born in a lavish family becomes almost an orphan. How humiliations from those relations he believed interminable turns him taller, stronger and determined to overcome all odds. How life teaches him to feel the anguishes of the underprivileged and encourage a feeble boy to become a sturdy man who dares to stand and face the mighty and egotistical lot in the society.
It narrates how dignity, determination and sense of duty makes a man complete. But the question remains. Does that end there?
About the author
Rooted in rural Bengal, Subhankar has experienced both its brilliance and blunts. A Consultant by profession, he has been traveling across the country for last 12 years. In spare time if not playing with his 3 year old daughter, Subhankar is most likely either hiking in the Himalayas with his camera or reading whatever is available. He can be reached at; [email protected]