Author: Susan E. Massenzio

JAMES E. HUGHES JR., ESQ., is a resident of Aspen, Colorado, and a retired attorney. Jay is the author of Family Wealth: Keeping It in the Family, and of Family–The Compact Among Generations, and numerous articles on family governance and wealth preservation as well as a series of “Reflections” which can be found on the Articles section of his website He was the founder of a law partnership in New York City and has spoken frequently at numerous international and domestic symposia. He is a member of various philanthropic boards and a member of the editorial boards of various professional journals. DR. SUSAN E. MASSENZIO is a psychologist and founding Associate of Wise Counsel Research Associates, a think-tank and consultancy. Susan has extensive experience consulting to senior executives, leadership teams of Fortune 500 companies, and heads of family businesses. Susan served for many years as the senior psychologist for John Hancock Financial Services, a senior vice president at Wells Fargo Family Wealth, and professor and program director at Northeastern University. Susan is a member of the Collaboration for Family Flourishing. DR. KEITH WHITAKER is an educator and founding Associate with Wise Counsel Research Associates, a think-tank and consultancy. Keith has many years’ experience consulting with advisors to and leaders of enterprising families. Keith served as a managing director at Wells Fargo Family Wealth, where he founded the innovative Family Dynamics Practice. He has also served as a researcher at the Center on Wealth and Philanthropy, a private trustee, a director of a private foundation, and a philosophy professor at Boston College.

8 Ebooks by Susan E. Massenzio

James E. Hughes & Susan E. Massenzio: The Cycle of the Gift
A comprehensive guide to giving well to family members Giving is at the core of family life–and with current law allowing up to $5, 120, 000 in tax-free gifts, at least through December 2012, the ul …
James E. Hughes & Susan E. Massenzio: The Cycle of the Gift
A comprehensive guide to giving well to family members Giving is at the core of family life–and with current law allowing up to $5, 120, 000 in tax-free gifts, at least through December 2012, the ul …
James E. Hughes & Susan E. Massenzio: The Voice of the Rising Generation
Avoid ‘Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves’ by Finding Your Voice Growing up in a family with significant wealth or a family business can often feel like an exercise in silence. What should you ask? Whom sh …
James E. Hughes & Susan E. Massenzio: The Voice of the Rising Generation
Avoid ‘Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves’ by Finding Your Voice Growing up in a family with significant wealth or a family business can often feel like an exercise in silence. What should you ask? Whom sh …
James E. Hughes & Susan E. Massenzio: Complete Family Wealth
What matters most in managing the family enterprise Complete Family Wealth is a comprehensive resource for growing, maintaining, and managing wealth across generations. A successor to the classic Fam …
James E. Hughes & Susan E. Massenzio: Complete Family Wealth
What matters most in managing the family enterprise Complete Family Wealth is a comprehensive resource for growing, maintaining, and managing wealth across generations. A successor to the classic Fam …
James E. Hughes & Keith Whitaker: Complete Family Wealth
A primer for families of high net worth on how to manage their qualitative and financial wealth for generations The second edition of this foundational work, Complete Family Wealth: Wealth as Well-Be …
James E. Hughes & Keith Whitaker: Complete Family Wealth
A primer for families of high net worth on how to manage their qualitative and financial wealth for generations The second edition of this foundational work, Complete Family Wealth: Wealth as Well-Be …