Clinical skills are a fundamental aspect of nursing care of children and young people. The Great Ormond Street Hospital Manual of Children’s Nursing Practices is an evidence-based manual of practical skills in children’s nursing which builds on the extensive expertise developed at Great Ormond Street Hospital. It encompasses all aspects of children’s nursing from the most basic aspects of everyday practice to advanced practice in high dependency and intensive care to provide a comprehensive resource for all qualified nurses, students, and other health-care professionals involved in caring for children, both in the hospital and the community setting.
Children’s and young people’s nursing presents unique challenges. The Great Ormond Street Hospital Manual utilises the latest clinical research and expert clinical knowledge to address these challenges, and provides the underlying theory and evidence for nursing care of children. It provides a definitive guide to clinical skills procedures in children’s and young people’s nursing which enables nurses working with children and young people to practice confidently and deliver clinically effective family-centred care.
Key features
* Offers access to clinical procedures developed through the extensive expertise from Great Ormond Street Hospital
* Contains evidence-based recommendations for expert care
* Encompasses all aspects of children’s care
* Contains procedures guidelines students can rely on and effectively use in practice following qualfication
* Highlights specific needs of neonates and adolescents
* Placed in the context of inter-disciplinary care of the child
* Includes the rationale for each procedure – the ‘why’ as well as ‘how’
* Information presented in a similar way to The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures – offering continuity to those working in both adult and paediatric settings
This title is also available as a mobile App from Med Hand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from i Tunes or the Med Hand Store.
Table of Content
1. Assessment of Patient.
2. Allergy and Anaphylaxis.
3. Biopsies.
4. Administration of Blood Componeents and Products
5. Bowel Care.
6. Burns and Scalds.
7. Child Protection.
8. Cytotoxic Drugs.
9. Fluid Balance.
10. Personal Hygiene and Pressure Ulcer Prevention.
11. Immunisations.
12. Infection Prevention and Control.
13. Intravenous and Intra-arterial Access.
14. Investigations.
15. Administration of Medicines.
16. Moving and Handling.
17. Neonatal Care.
18. Neurological Care.
19. Nutrition and Feeding.
20. Orthopaedic Care.
21. Pain Management.
22. Palliative Care.
23. Peri-operative Care.
24. Play as a Therapeutic Tool.
25. Poisoning and Overdose.
26. Respiratory Care.
27. Resuscitation Practices.
28. Tracheostomy: Care and Management
39. Urinary Catheter Care.
30. Drug Withdrawal – Prevention and Management
About the author
Sue Macqueen is now retired but was a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Infection Control at Great Ormond Street.
Elizabeth Bruce is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Pain Control Service at Great Ormond Street.
Faith Gibson is a Clinical Professor of Children and Young People’s Cancer Care at Great Ormond Street