Författare: Aaron Bastani

Aaron Bastani is co-founder and senior editor at Novara Media. He holds a Ph D from the New Political Communication Unit, University of London, examining social movements in the digital environment which fail to correspond to the traditional logic of collective action. His research interests include new media, social movements, asymmetric strategies and post-scarcity political economy. He has written for Vice, London Review of Books, Guardian and Open Democracy.

3 E-böcker av Aaron Bastani

Aaron Bastani: Fully Automated Luxury Communism
Fully Automated Luxury Communism promises a radically new left future for everyone. New technologies will liberate us from work, providing the opportunity to build a society beyond both capitalism an …
Aaron Bastani: Comunismo de luxo totalmente automatizado
Um tipo diferente de política para um novo tipo de sociedade – superando o trabalho, a escassez e o capitalismo No século XXI, as novas tecnologias devem nos libertar do trabalho. A automação, em vez …