Athenagoras of Athens was a Christian writer who lived in the Roman empire from approximately 133 to 190 AD. He was well-versed in Greek philosophy and may have been a Platonist philosopher prior to his conversion to the Christian faith.
This edition in the St. Polycarp Church Fathers Series presents Athenagoras’ two extant works: Embassy for the Christians and On the Resurrection of the Dead. Within these two treatises, Athenagoras provides a well-reasoned defense of the Christian faith and the doctrine of the resurrection.
About the Editor
Rev. Aaron Simms is a writer specializing in Christian theology, history and classical studies. He is also a pastor in The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, a member of the American Academy of Religion, and the founder of St. Polycarp Publishing House. His academic studies include international relations, economics, psychology, classical history, and theology at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Georgia), Troy University (Troy, Alabama), and Concordia Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri). His blog is at