Författare: Adam D. Brown

LOUIS BICKFORD Lecturer at The New School and New York University, USA FEDERICO FINCHELSTEIN Assistant Professor of History at The New School for Social Research and Eugene Lang College, USA LINDSEY A. FREEMAN Ph D Candidate in the Department of Sociology at The New School for Social Research, USA WILLIAM HIRST Professor of Psychology at The New School for Social Research, USA DAVID JANES University in Exile Fellow and Ph D Candidate in the Department of Sociology at The New School for Social Research, USA JONATHAN KOPPEL Ph D Candidate in Cognitive Psychology at The New School for Social Research, USA DORI LAUB Clinical Professor of Psychology at Yale University School of Medicine, USA DANIEL LEVY Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Stony Brook University, New York, USA SELMA LEYDESDORFF Professor of Oral History and Culture at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands ROSS POOLE Lecturer in the Departments of Philosophy and Politics at the New School for Social Research, USA GEMA SANTAMARIA-BALMACEDA Ph D Candidate in Sociology at The New School for Social Research, USA ANN SNITOW Director of the Gender Studies Program at The New School, USA KIMBERLY SPRING Ph D Candidate in the Department of Sociology at The New School for Social Research, USA

4 E-böcker av Adam D. Brown

Yifat Gutman & Adam D. Brown: Memory and the Future
For those who study memory, there is a nagging concern that memory studies are inherently backward-looking, and that memory itself hinders efforts to move forward. Unhinging memory from the past, thi …
Glenn N. Saxe & B. Heidi Ellis: Trauma Systems Therapy for Children and Teens, Second Edition
This highly practical book has helped thousands of clinicians make the most of limited resources to support children and families struggling with chronic, multiple adversities. Trauma systems therapy …
Adam D. Brown: Ready to Slay
Ready to Slay is a dark teenage love story about obsession, tragic attraction, and how one person cannot save another from their own demons. Dealing unflinchingly with the difficult topics of desire, …
Adam D. Brown & B. Heidi Ellis: Trauma Systems Therapy for Children and Teens
This highly practical book has helped thousands of clinicians make the most of limited resources to support children and families struggling with chronic, multiple adversities. Trauma systems therapy …