Författare: Adam Tickell

Trevor J. Barnes is Professor of Geography at the University of British Columbia. His previous publications include A Companion to Economic Geography (co-edited with Eric Sheppard, Blackwell Publishing, 2001). Jamie Peck is Professor of Geography and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the author of Work-place (Guilford, 1996) and Workfare States (Guilford, 2001) and co-editor (with Henry Yeung) of Remaking the Global Economy: economic-geographical perspectives (Sage, 2003) Eric Sheppard is Professor of Geography at the University of Minnesota. He is the author of The Capitalist Space Economy and A World of Difference and the co-editor with Trevor Barnes of A Companion to Economic Geography (Blackwell Publishing, 2001) and with Robert Mc Master of Scale and Geographic Inquiry (Blackwell Publishing, 2003).Adam Tickell is Professor of Human Geography at the University of Bristol. He is editor of Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers and review editor of the Journal of Economic Geography.

6 E-böcker av Adam Tickell

Trevor J. Barnes & Jamie Peck: Reading Economic Geography
This reader introduces students to examples of the most important research in the field of economic geography. * Brings together the most important research contributions to economic geography. * Edi …
Adam Tickell & Eric Sheppard: Politics and Practice in Economic Geography
’The biggest strength of the book is its pedagogic design, which will appeal to new entrants in the field but also leaves space for methodological debates… It is well suited for use on general cour …
Doctor Vlad Mykhnenko & Kean Birch: Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism
The recent, devastating and ongoing economic crisis has exposed the faultlines in the dominant neoliberal economic order, opening debate for the first time in years on alternative visions that do not …
William H. Rupp: Globalization in Practice
The concept of globalization has become ubiquitous in social science and in the public consciousness and is often invoked as an explanation for a diverse range of changes to economies, societies, pol …
Doctor Vlad Mykhnenko & Kean Birch: Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism
The recent, devastating and ongoing economic crisis has exposed the faultlines in the dominant neoliberal economic order, opening debate for the first time in years on alternative visions that do not …
Trevor J Barnes & Jamie Peck: Politics and Practice in Economic Geography
"The biggest strength of the book is its pedagogic design, which will appeal to new entrants in the field but also leaves space for methodological debates… It is well suited for use on general …