101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax – Legally! 2021-22 is the only tax guide you will need this year.
Whether you’re submitting online or through your tax professional, Adrian Raftery, aka Mr Taxman, takes you step-by-step through the changes in the May 2021 budget, including the latest updates to COVID-19 pandemic government relief measures, tips for cryptocurrency trading, tax obligations for crowdfunding as a business activity and the use of private ancillary funds.
No matter what your age or income, this helpful guide offers tips for all taxpayers including:
* employees
* business owners
* students
* families
* superannuation fund members
* investors with interests in rental properties and share portfolios.
With 101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax – Legally! 2021-22, avoid the common mistakes that cost taxpayers every year, get answers to the most frequently asked questions and discover essential money-saving tax tips for the 2021-2022 tax year.
About the author xi
How to use this book xiii
Introduction xv
Part I You and Your Family 1
1 Marriage 2
2 Income splitting 4
3 Dependant (invalid and carer) tax offset 6
4 Children 8
5 Payments for new parents 10
6 Child care 12
7 Low-income earners 15
8 Senior and pensioner tax offset 17
9 Other government benef its 19
10 Family breakdown 22
11 Death 24
12 Family trusts 26
Part II Your Employment 29
13 Car usage 30
14 Methods to claim car travel 33
15 Travel 35
16 Uniform 37
17 Home office 39
18 Other work-related deductions 43
19 Keeping those receipts 46
20 ATO hit lists 49
21 Redundancy 51
22 Working a second job 53
23 Salary sacrifice 55
24 Fringe benefits 57
25 Living-away-from-home allowance 62
Part III Your Education 67
26 Claiming self-education expenses 68
27 The $250 threshold 72
28 Student loans 74
29 Austudy and ABSTUDY 81
30 Scholarships 83
31 School building funds 85
32 Education savings plans 87
Part IV Your Investment Property 91
33 Negative gearing 93
34 Interest 95
35 Depreciation and low-value pooling 98
36 Repairs and maintenance 102
37 Borrowing and legal expenses 104
38 Other rental property deductions 108
39 Foreign investment properties 111
40 Capital gains tax 112
41 PAYG withholding variation 115
42 Co-ownership of your investment property 117
Part V Your Shares 121
43 Dividends 122
44 Shares owned by low income earners 128
45 Borrowing to buy shares 131
46 Other share deductions 133
47 Capital gains tax on shares 134
48 Realising capital losses 136
49 Inheriting share portfolios 138
50 Share traders versus share investors 140
51 Rights and options 142
52 Employee share schemes 144
53 Share portfolios within self managed superannuation funds 146
54 Cryptocurrency 148
Part VI Your Superannuation 153
55 Contribution limits 156
56 Transfer balance cap 159
57 Downsizer contribution 162
58 Compulsory employer contributions 165
59 Salary sacrifice 167
60 Division 293 tax 170
61 Super co-contribution 172
62 Transferring foreign super 175
63 Self managed superannuation funds 177
64 Buying property within SMSFs 180
65 Gearing through a super fund 182
66 Accessing your super 184
67 Transition to retirement 187
68 Account-based pensions 189
69 Death benefits 191
70 Lost or unclaimed super 192
Part VII Your Business 197
71 Choosing the right business structure 199
72 Tax obligations 202
73 Record keeping 206
74 Deferring tax 208
75 Trading stock 210
76 Bad debts 211
77 Home-based businesses 214
78 Sharing economy 216
79 Employing people 218
80 Single touch payroll 222
81 Tax concessions and offsets 225
82 Selling or closing down 232
83 Personal services income 234
84 Non-commercial losses 235
85 Division 7A loans by private companies 237
86 Franchising 239
87 Crowdfunding 240
88 Loss carry back tax offset 243
Part VIII Miscellaneous 247
89 Overseas income 247
90 Getting a great accountant 250
91 Lodging your tax return 252
92 Amending returns and objecting to assessments 255
93 ATO data matching 257
94 Problems paying your tax 261
95 Estate planning 262
96 Private ancillary funds 267
97 Levies 270
98 Zone and overseas forces tax offsets 273
99 Tax-effective investments 275
100 Tax planning as a 365-day process 277
101 Just do it! 278
Glossary 281
Bibliography 299
Index 301
Om författaren
DR ADRIAN RAFTERY has over 30 years of experience as an award-winning accountant and tax expert. As one of Australia’s leading tax and finance commentators, Adrian regularly appears on TV and contributes to magazines and newspapers. Find out more at www.mrtaxman.com.au.