The book’s aim is to draw together the economics literature relating to planning and set it out systematically. It analyses the economics of land use planning and the relationship between economics and planning and addresses questions like: What are the limits of land use planning and the extent of its objectives?; Is the aim aesthetic?; Is it efficiency?; Is it to ensure equity?; Or sustainability?; And if all of these aims, how should one be balanced against another?
Chapter 1 Introduction.
Chapter 2 Market Failure and Welfare Economics – a
Justification for Intervention.
Chapter 3 Evaluation and Planning.
Chapter 4 Controlling the Density of Development.
Chapter 5 Zoning and conservation.
Chapter 6 Green Belts, Growth Controls, and Urban Growth
Chapter 7 Planning and the Land Market.
Chapter 8 The Division of the Spoils: Profits, Planning Gain,
Premium Seeking and Taxation.
Chapter 9 Impact Fees.
Chapter 10 The Economic Consequences of Higher Land Values.
Chapter 11 The Macroeconomic Effects of Planning
Chapter 12 Methods of Planning.
Chapter 13 Politics, Public Choice, and Political Economy.
Om författaren
Alan Evans, Professor of Environmental Economics, Centre for Spatial and Real Estate Economics, School of Business, University of Reading.