This book presents a systematic view of the cooperative sector of the economy from the standpoint of sustainable development. On the one hand, the book reveals the consequences of business cooperation for the implementation of global sustainable development goals, primarily in terms of environmental protection and food security. On the other hand, the book defines the essence of sustainable development of the cooperative sector of the economy as a demonstrative economic practice that reflects the general state of socio-economic systems. Scientific, methodological, and applied recommendations for the systemic optimization of the management of the cooperative sector of the economy in the interests of simultaneously achieving its maximum positive impact on the implementation of sustainable development goals, as well as maintaining its stability are proposed.
The book contains the best works based on the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Cooperation and Sustainable Development”, which was held on December 15-16, 2020. Its target audience is scientists studying processes of business structures cooperation, business entities carrying out cooperation, as well as public authorities, which will find guidelines for improving state regulation of the cooperative sector of the economy in this book.
Application of Big Data to Analyze Illegal Passenger Transportation Offenses.- Directions of Cooperation Relations Development in Russia in Conditions of Digitalization of The Agricultural Sector.- Digital Transformation of the Economy: Dividends and Threats.- Digital Cooperation in the Russian Federation.- The Role of Cooperation and Collaboration in Digital Environment for Sustained Economic Growth.- Consumer Cooperation in the Digital Economy.- Digital Transformation of Consumer Societies: Opportunities and Perspectives.- The Role of Virtual Outsourcing in Ensuring the Effectiveness of Economic Development.- Experimental Modeling of Smart City Development Process Based on Smart City Adaptive Concept Model.- University and Enterprise Cooperation – Effective Solution in the Digital Economy.- Creation and Debugging of a Digital Double-cluster Cooperation Mechanism of Inter-cluster Interaction Under Conditions of Stochastic Uncertainty.- Consolidation Activities of Universities in the Digital Economy.- Employee Skills Management: Competitiveness in the Digital Economy.- Management of Teacher Training in the Digital Economy.- The Relationship Between the Workers Competitiveness and their Labor Mobility in a Digital Economy.- A Study of Young People’s Attitudes for Work in the Era of Intelligent Machines.- Sharing Economy as a New Form of Consumer Cooperation in the Digital Age.- “Smart Cooperation” Prospects for Optimizing Decision-Making in Business Cooperation via Artificial Intelligence.- Economic-Mathematical Modeling as a Tool for the Development of Consumer Cooperatives.- Import dependence in the system of marketing phenomena of competition and competitiveness of the cooperative sector of the economy at the meso level.- Socio-psychological Conditions for Forming Trust-Based Relationships between Employees in Commercial Organizations