Dr. Alexander Soloviev is an Associate Professor at the NOVA Southeastern University’s Oceanographic Center, Dania Beach, Florida. He also worked as a research scientist in the two leading research institutions of the former Soviet Academy of Sciences: P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology and A.M. Oboukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics.
Dr. Roger Lukas is a Professor in the Department of Oceanography at the University of Hawaii, in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was one of the two principal organizers of a major international air-sea interaction experiment (TOGA/COARE) conducted during 1992-94 in the western equatorial Pacific.
3 E-böcker av Alexander Soloviev
Alexander Soloviev & Roger Lukas: The Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean
Until the 1980s, a tacit agreement among many physical oceanographers was that nothing deserving attention could be found in the upper few meters of the ocean. The lack of adequete knowledge about th …
Vladimir Maz’ya & Alexander Soloviev: Boundary Integral Equations on Contours with Peaks
Alexander Soloviev & Roger Lukas: The Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean
The rationale for publishing a second edition of this monograph is that this area of research continues to show remarkable advancement. The new generation of synthetic aperture radar satellites has p …