In the beginning, the trace of a soft pencil on a piece of paper. Soon it is filled with numbers and formulas. A young woman becomes involved in the project of the man in whose ideas hardly anyone wants to believe. The application for his research project is rejected by an overpowering computer system. Two days after the rejection, the man is dead. Nonetheless, his thoughts develop a surprising life of their own.
Om författaren
Marcellus M. Menke is committed to the development and realization of projects in the fields of art, music, literature and education. For him it is important to reveal relationships and to make connections visible. In edition HIC[, which he initiated and supervises, he publishes his own texts as well as texts by other authors vital to him. Projects from the field of visual arts that he promotes find their home in the con TEMPart edition. In his project ’’ he creates books that will come into existence in the future.
Marcellus M. Menke engagiert sich für Entwicklung und Realisation von Projekten aus den Bereichen Kunst, Musik, Literatur und Bildung. Dabei ist ihm das Aufzeigen von Beziehungen und das Sichtbarmachen von Zusammenhängen wichtig. In der von ihm initiierten und betreuten edition HIC[ veröffentlicht er neben eigenen Texten auch ihm wichtige Texte anderer Autoren. Von ihm geförderte Projekte aus dem Bereich der bildenden Kunst finden in der con TEMPart-Edition ihre Heimat. In seinem Projekt ’’ schafft er Bücher, die es erst in der Zukunft gibt.