Författare: Alexandra Yatsyk

Dr. Andrey Makarychev is Professor of Government and Politics at the University of Tartu, Estonia. His areas of expertise are political discourses, norms and identities as seen from different domestic and international perspectives. His record of previous institutional affiliations includes George Mason University (Fairfax, VA), Centre for Conflict Studies (ETH, Zurich), Danish Institute of International Studies (DIIS), and Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University. Dr. Alexandra Yatsyk is Visiting Researcher at the Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Sweden. She is also Director of the Centre for Cultural Studies of Post-Socialism and Associate Professor of the Journalism Department at Kazan Federal University, Russia. She has served and held research at the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (GWU, USA), Centre for EU-Russia relations (University of Tartu, Estonia), School of Language, Translation and Literature Studies (University of Tampere, Finland), and Centre for Urban History for East Central Europe (Lviv, Ukraine). 

10 E-böcker av Alexandra Yatsyk

Andrey Makarychev & Alexandra Yatsyk: Mega Events in Post-Soviet Eurasia
The edited volume explains why sport mega events can be discussed from the viewpoint of politics and power, and what this discussion can add to the existing scholarship on political regimes, internat …
Andrey Makarychev & Alexandra Yatsyk: Borders in the Baltic Sea Region
This book focuses on the recent political trajectories within the Baltic Sea Region from one of the success stories of regionalism in Europe to a potential area of military confrontation between Russ …
Andrey Makarychev & Alexandra Yatsyk: Lotman’s Cultural Semiotics and the Political
Yuri Lotman (1922-1993) was a prominent Russian intellectual and theorist. This book presents a new reading of his semiotic and philosophical legacy. The authors analyse Lotmans semiotics in a series …
Andrey Makarychev & Alexandra Yatsyk: Boris Nemtsov and Russian Politics
In post-Soviet Russian politics, Boris Nemtsov is one of the most tragic figures—and not only because he was shot dead, at the age of 56, in close vicinity to the Kremlin, the locus of Russia’s power …
Julie Fedor & Samuel Greene: Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Featuring a special section on “Identity Clashes: Russian and Ukrainian Debates on Culture, History, and Politics” This issue’s special section explores the discursive gaps, tensions, and ruptures be …
Andrey Makarychev & Thomas Kruessmann: Europe in the Caucasus, Caucasus in Europe
The book series „European Studies in the Caucasus” offers innovative perspectives on regional studies of the Caucasus. By embracing the South Caucasus as well as Turkey and Russia as the major region …
Andrey Makarychev & Alexandra Yatsyk: Celebrating Borderlands in a Wider Europe
Die Autoren untersuchen Identitäten in den postsowjetischen Grenzgebieten in der Ukraine, Estland und Georgien seit dem Fall der Sowjetunion. Anstatt auf die großen geopolitischen Akteure richten sie …
Andrey Makarychev & Alexandra Yatsyk: Vocabularies of International Relations after the Crisis in Ukraine
The conflict in Ukraine and Russia’s annexation of Crimea has undoubtedly been a pivotal moment for policy makers and military planners in Europe and beyond. Many analysts see an unexpected character …
Andrey Makarychev & Alexandra Yatsyk: Vocabularies of International Relations after the Crisis in Ukraine
The conflict in Ukraine and Russia’s annexation of Crimea has undoubtedly been a pivotal moment for policy makers and military planners in Europe and beyond. Many analysts see an unexpected character …
Andrey Makarychev & Alexandra Yatsyk: Critical Biopolitics of the Post-Soviet
This book is a critical attempt to cast a biopolitical gaze at the process of subjectification of Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, and Estonia in terms of multiple and overlapping regimes of belonging, perf …